Top News of May 2024 with ANA

Azad News Agency (ANA) published a number of scientific and technological news in May 2024 whose top ones are as follows:
Iranian Technologists Produce Plant-Based Fungicide by Anti-Biological Method
Plant-based fungicide is a product made by the Iranian technologists at the incubator center of Islamic Azad University’s Gorgan branch which has a significant and noticeable superiority over other domestic and foreign samples.
“The field of activity of Fanavar Behzist company is production of a type of plant-based fungicide which is prepared by using a series of plants with antifungal properties,” Parvin Zolfaqari, a PhD student in the agricultural field at Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, told ANA.
She explained that the plant-based fungicide can be used as a pre-cultivation and has successfully passed the experimental stages.
“In the first stage, we tested our fungicides on two types of ornamental plants, including Adenium and Vigouri plants, and the results showed that the fungicide enjoys the capability to compete with other samples available in the market,” Zolfaqari said.
“In the next step, we tested the fungicide on 20 types of ornamental plants and two types of summer crops, and the results were also positive. Also, a mushroom cultivation experiment was conducted and the effect of fungicides in controlling parasitic fungi was assessed, and we achieved good results from this stage too,” she noted.
Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Indigenizes ‘Triple Super Phosphate’ Fertilizer
Specialists of an Iranian knowledge-based company succeeded in production of ‘Triple Super Phosphate (TSP)’ fertilizer with an annual capacity of 100,000 tons.
“This phosphate fertilizer is solid and the reaction of phosphoric acid and phosphate soil has been used for its production. For ease of use, Triple Super Phosphate is mainly produced in granular form (GTSP) in two stages,” said Shegefti, the managing director of the knowledge-based company.
“In the first step, phosphoric acid is obtained from the reaction of sulfuric acid with phosphate soil apatite; and in the second step, phosphoric acid is separated from gypsum, and after concentration, it is poured again on the phosphate soil apatite which results in production of Triple Super Phosphate,” the managing director explained.
Noting that Triple Super Phosphate fertilizer has the highest phosphate concentration among phosphate fertilizers and the amount of available P205 in it is over 46%, Shegefti said, “Since nearly 90% of the phosphorus in its structure is soluble, it is easily available to the plant. Another advantage of triple superphosphate fertilizer is that it contains micro and macro nutrient elements for plants, including calcium, sulfate, iron, and other elements.”
“Phosphate in this fertilizer strengthens the trunk of plants and increases their resistance against diseases and pests,” Shegefti said.
Iranian Company Produces CO2-Based Insufflator to Facilitate Endoscopy
A technological company in Iran has produced an insufflator that uses CO2 to modulate and control the delivery of the gas to the patient to facilitate the work during the endoscopy.
"To examine the digestive system in endoscopy, the doctor passes a tube into the body through the mouth or anus to examine the digestive tract, esophagus or stomach and intestines," said Zahra Toorani, a PhD graduate from the Tehran-based Sharif University of Technology (SUT) and co-founder of the technological company that has produced the insufflator, according to a report by the public relations department of the Pardis Technology Park in Tehran.
"Air injection comes with risks such as pain, rupture of internal organs and air embolism in the abdomen. For that, we came up with the idea of producing a device that injects CO2 gas into the body instead of air. The absorption of this gas through blood vessels is 150 times that of air and it easily exits the body via the lungs. This significantly reduces the risk and pain caused by air embolism in the body," she added.
She added that after more than 10 years working in the field of producing medical equipment and studying the country's need for the insufflator, they decided to produce it.
"Since 2002, studies have been conducted on the international stage for the use of CO2 gas in the endoscopy process, and devices have been produced for that purpose called 'gas insufflators'. The product produced by our company was inspired by those devices," she went on to say.
Iran-Made Smart Glasses Help Blind People for Better Navigation
A group of Iranian researchers from Islamic Azad University’s Tehran branch used artificial intelligence (AI) to design smart glasses which analyze and find the path and obstacles for the blind.
“This product is a demo and a wearable gadget which is considered as assistant smart glasses to help the users to navigate in complex environments and accurately recognize objects with real-time audio capabilities,” Alireza Yahyayee, one of the researchers of the project, told ANA.
“While this product provides special possibilities for the blind people, including voice descriptions, navigation and object recognition, and improves their daily life, it also provides interactive educational content, virtual laboratory simulations and attractive educational content for students,” he added.
Yahyayee described the glasses as an incomparable tool to help doctors and medical staff during operations, consultations, and diagnoses, and said, “It also creates a field for experts for easy access to information, remote collaboration, and implementation of processes.”
Iranian Experts Improve Telecommunication Networks with Intelligent Management
A research project titled ‘distributed management and control over telecommunication networks’ was carried out by the Iranian specialists with the aim of optimizing energy consumption and improving the functions of electronic and telecommunication devices.
The project was implemented by Babak Hossein Khalaj, a PhD graduate in electrical - telecommunications - systems engineering from Stanford University, and was supported by the National Science Foundation of Iran.
“In this project, a multi-user channel is considered in which there is interoperability among network nodes. This network is connected to the central structure of the network through a wider network. Also, in these networks, the specifications of the transmission rate in the channel and the communication load in the backup network are provided,” said Hossein Khalaj.
He added that all information is gathered in one node and the node processes all the data, noting that in addition to the mentioned cases, control through these networks is also of particular importance, specially in the 5th generation networks.
“In this project, we investigated the new structures of using networks in this field. The applications of this field basically include both mobile cloud structures and cellular structures that are proposed in the 5th generation and the next,” Hossein Khalaj said.
Iranian Scientists Diagnose Cancer, Pathogenic Tissues with Radioactive Materials
Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company managed to design and make an imaging device by using SPECT scanning method (a non-invasive method in medicine) and advanced nuclear technology to diagnose different diseases, including cancer.
The device is used to record and reveal the accumulation of radioactive materials in tissues. In this scanning method, based on the patient's condition, the radiopharmaceuticals are absorbed in different organs and a fraction of the photons pass through the surrounding soft tissue and are finally detected by the gamma camera.
“Our company operates in the field of nuclear medical equipment production and has succeeded in using advanced nuclear medicine technology to design and manufacture SPECT scanning device,” Behnoush Teymourian Fard, the deputy managing director of the knowledge-based company, told ANA.
“The device is capable of imaging the function of all tissues and organs of the body and can be used to diagnose different diseases, specially cancer,” she added.
Noting that radiopharmaceuticals emit gamma rays, Teymourian Fard explained, “In this non-invasive method, radiopharmaceuticals are injected into the patient’s body. Then, based on its specifications, the radiopharmaceutical accumulates more in one of the tissues of the body and emits gamma rays. Finally, the gamma rays which come out of patient's body are received and converted into two-dimensional and three-dimensional images; in this way, the physician can obtain a report on the functioning of certain organs of the body like the heart, kidney, liver, and even bones.”
Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Produces Device for Prophylaxis, Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Technologists at an Iranian knowledge-based company have developed a device for prophylaxis and treatment of diabetic foot ulcers for home use.
“This blood circulation improvement system is a portable electrical device designed for electrical muscle stimulation for use at home by the individual,” Jalal Radadi, the chairman of the board of directors of the knowledge-based company told local Iranian media.
Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) activates muscles through electrical currents, resulting in involuntary muscle contractions.
Stating that the device transmits a single electrical stimulation to a group of underlying muscles through four pads attached to the skin, he added that the unique electrical stimulation continues in a prophylactic wave from the distal to the proximal muscles, resulting in contractions of the vessels and improvement. As a result, circulation of blood is improved and blood flow increases in the proximal and distal areas, which removes carbon dioxide in the blood and oxygenates the blood.
The chairman of the board of directors of the knowledge-based company went on to say that another function of the electrical device was to improve blood supply to the other organs other than the diabetic foot ulcers.
"With this mechanism, oxygen-enriched blood returns to the organs and increases blood flow in patients with decreased blood flow in vessels and veins and atrophic areas (degenerate muscle tissue), paresthesia (numbness and tingling of limbs)," Raddai added.
Iranian Researcher Designs, Produces Electrochemical Biosensors for Early Detection of Breast Cancer
A researcher at the Tarbiat Modares University (TMU) in Iran have designed and produced electrochemical biosensors for the early detection of microRNAs that are involved in breast cancer.
“Designing and manufactureing of electrochemical biosensors for early detection of microRNAs involved in breast cancer in a microfluidic platform” was the title of the PhD thesis done by Jalil Parchekani Choozaki at the Tehran-based Tarbiat Modares University (TMU).
Parchekani, who has a PhD in Biophysics from the TMU explained about his dissertation’s topic, saying, “Discovering a method to prevent cancer and early detection of it has always been of great importance.”
“Late detection of cancer can result in its spread to other body parts and infect other tissues through the metastasis, which takes place through the lymphatic or blood vessels to distant sites. When metastasis occurs, the treatment becomes very difficult as it becomes a malignancy,” the TMU researcher said.
He further noted that according to the World Health Organization’s statistics, breast cancer along with lung cancer are the most prevalent cancers among people worldwide, adding that the breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer among Iranian women.
Iran, Iraq to Strengthen Cooperation on Tackling Dust Storms
Chairman of Iran's Natural Resources and Watershed Management Organization said that Iran and Iraq have agreed to increase cooperation to combat dust storms, an environmental challenge that affects both countries.
Abbas-Ali Nobakht made the remarks on a visit to neighboring Iraq at the head of an Iranian delegation and meetings with the governors of the holy cities of Karbala and Najaf.
Iran has a lot of knowledge and experience in the field of desertification and is ready to share its know-how with the friendly neighbor to tackle that environmental challenge and stabilize the sand particles on the ground surface.
The head of Iran's Natural Resources and Watershed Management Organization further said that in the meeting, the solutions to tackle desertification and prevent dust particles from being created were discussed with the Iraqi side. He described the cooperation on combating dust storms as in the interest of both nations.
According to Nobakht, the two sides agreed to formulate strategies and take effective joint measures in the fight against dust particles.
Over 650 Iranian, Foreign Companies to Participate in Iran Health 2024 Expo
Secretary of Iran Health 2024 Exhibition announced that more than 650 Iranian and foreign companies will attend the expo due to be held at Tehran International Permanent Fairground on May 18-21.
“So far, over 650 domestic and foreign knowledge-based companies have registered to participate in the exhibition which has grown by nearly 30% (compared to the last year),” said Amin Reza Khaleqian.
He added that the exhibition’s main approach is paying attention to knowledge-based companies in the field of health, noting that side events in the exhibition, including the unveiling of new achievements in the field of health and holding dialogue sessions between the government and the private sector, are among the opportunities for the Iranian companies.
“Also, 50 foreign companies have announced their readiness to participate in the exhibition,” Khaleqian said, adding that the presence of various foreign delegations will facilitate the export of Iran-made medical equipment.
“In the past two decades, we have been able to turn from a country that imported medical equipment into an exporter, thanks to the efforts made by the Iranian knowledge-based and technological companies,” he stated.
Industrial Robot with 7 Degrees of Freedom Designed by Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm
Specialists of an Iranian knowledge-based company succeeded in designing and manufacturing an industrial robot with seven degrees of freedom which can be used in the petrochemical and cement industries for filling bags with 50kg capacity.
“This robot is used in the filling lines of petrochemical products and cement industries and can automatically fill the products in 50-kg bags and place them on the trailer. It is able to fill 20 bags per operation,” said Mohammad Ali Khazayee, the chairman of the board of directors of the knowledge-based company.
“In the maintenance section, our product is designed in such a way that if there is a problem in the operation of the robot, it can be easily removed from the line and continue to operate manually until the problem is settled,” he explained.
Khazayee noted that the company has also designed and indigenized over 150 parts and equipment used in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries for the first time in the country.
Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Indigenizes Key Catalysts for Gasoline Production
Iranian specialists at an Iranian knowledge-based company succeeded in indigenizing the technological products and catalysts needed by industries, specially for production of petrochemicals and gasoline.
“The field of activity of our company is the production of catalysts and nanostructured materials and its mission is to use high-level technologies like nanotechnology,” Hamzeh Kazerouni, the managing director of the knowledge-based company stationed at Pardis Science and Technology Park.
Noting that most of the products and technologies developed by the knowledge-based company have earlier been accessed by a few limited companies in the world, he said, “For instance, our company has worked on naphtha reforming catalysts, which are used in the production of gasoline.”
“Among other new products of our company, I can mention diesel fuel nano-based additive, which is one of the latest fuel additive technologies and had been monopolized by a US company in the past,” Kazerouni said.
Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Produces Vehicle Shock Absorber Multi-Testers
An Iranian knowledge-based company has produced a device to test damping ratio, high friction and heat in vehicle shock absorbers.
“This device, which does not have a domestic equivalent, replaces five or 6 separate devices altogether. It takes less space and also speeds up the testing process to a considerable extent," Jafar Nazmabadi, the managing director of the knowledge-based company said, according to a report by the Iranian Vice Presidency for Science and Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy.
"The main activity of this company, which is located in Arak city, is the production of garage equipment and all production line machinery. Our expertise is specifically in the field of machinery and testing equipment for production lines. With the efforts and endeavors of the personnel of this company, two friction test and damping test devices have been designed and produced 100% domestically. We have received the knowledge-based badge for these two devices [from the relevant authorities]," he said.
"Last year, our company designed and produced two new devices named 'hot spinning' and 'multi-test' after surveying the needs of the market," Nezamabadi continued.
"The hot spinning device is used in lots of industries and is utilized to close the end of a pipe with heating and pressure technology. This device uses very advanced technology and has no similar domestic equivalent....The design department of our company designed this device in reverse engineering mode and completed its trial phase last year."
Knowledge-Based Firm in Iran Produces Industrial Robots with Seven Degrees of Freedom
Technologists at a knowledge-based company in Iran have designed and produced a seven-degree-of-freedom robotic arm that is used in petrochemical and cement factories to fill in 50 kg bags of cement and fertilizers and load and unload them on the conveyor.
“Our company operates in two areas. One of our products is the seven-degree-of-freedom robot, for which we have obtained the knowledge-based badge. This robot does not have foreign-made equivalent and it has been developed by us for the first time in Iran and the world,” Mohammad Ali Khazaei, the chairman of the board of directors of the Iranian knowledge-based company said, according to a report by the website of the Iranian Vice Presidency for Science and Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy.
“The robot is used in the production lines of petrochemical and cement factories to automatically fill in 50 kg bags and place them on the conveyer. This robot is able to fill 20 bags per operation,” he said.
“In addition, we have designed and locally produced more than 150 pieces and equipment used in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries for the first time in the country. Due to sanctions and economic conditions, it was not possible to import these pieces. Fortunately, all of the 150 pieces have been installed and put into operation in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries and have performed successfully,” he added.
Iran, UAE Officials hold Talks in Tehran to Expand Technological Cooperation
Amir Hossein Mirabadi, the Head of the Center for International Science and Technology Interactions at the Iranian Vice Presidency for Science, Technology, and Knowledge-Based Economy and Omar Ahmed Suwaina Al Suwaidi, the United Arab Emirates(UAE) Undersecretary of the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology stressed the need to further expand technological cooperation between the two nations.
Delegations from different countries, including Qatar, Tanzania, Turkey, Oman, UAE, Indonesia, etc., which had visited Tehran to take part at 2024 IRAN EXPO also paid a visit to Iran's House of Innovation and Technology (iHiT) on the second day of the Expo to get acquainted with export capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the capabilities of Iranian companies.
On the sidelines of the visit to iHiT on April 29, Mirabadi held a meeting with Al Suwaidi during which he expressed Iran’s readiness to transfer technology to the UAE.
The Iranian official highlighted that over the past 40 years, Iran has made significant progress in technology development and has since moved towards commercializing and utilizing its innovations.
Mirabadi also emphasized that there are various areas where Iran and the UAE can cooperate, such as agriculture and artificial intelligence.
He further pointed out that one of Iran's primary objectives is to connect to big knowledge-based companies and startups that are experienced to share ideas, technologies, and experiences with them.
The Iranian official further announced his organization’s readiness to lay the ground for technology transfer between Iran and the UAE.
The Emirati Undersecretary of the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology, for his part, expressed happiness with the visit to iHiT and praised the capabilities of Iranian companies. He said that his country is ready to cooperate with Iran in various fields of industry.
“In recent years, good measures have been taken in this field in the region. For that, we are interested in investing in various fields of technology such as supply chain,” he added.
Iranian Specialists Make Smart Parking System to Prevent Motorcycle, Bike Theft
Iranian experts at a technological unit of Islamic Azad University’s Bojnourd branch succeeded in making a smart parking system which can prevent stealing of bicycles and motorcycles.
“The product is a device for organizing bikes during parking which can also prevent theft of bicycles and motorcycles,” Sadeq Goliani, the director of the technological unit, told ANA.
“After placing the bicycle or motorcycle inside the device, the user can lock all the stealable and important parts of the bike or motorcycle by using the steel cable mounted on the back of the device. Once it is locked, the alarm is activated,” he said.
The traffic in the parking lot is detected by motion sensors, and a warning siren sounds to prevent damage or curiosity,” Goliani said.
“Any damage and cut of the steel wire will cause the long-term alarm system to sound, and when the building's electricity is cut off, the system will automatically switch to a low-consumption mode by the device's power source and continue to work for up to 6 hours, and any unusual contact or movement is detected by the sensors and the alarm is activated,” he underlined.
Iran-Made Smart Pillow Prevents Arthritis in Neck
An Iranian technological unit stationed at the incubator center of Islamic Azad University’s Khomeinishahr branch succeeded in making a smart pillow that puts the neck in a proper position during sleep and rest and prevents the occurrence of arthritis and spinal diseases in neck.
The technological product is equipped with an electric charging unit to provide electricity to the pillow in which the charging, electricity and sleep monitoring units are integrated and installed in the sponge.
The smart pillow has been produced by experts in medical engineering field at Viragostar Almas company.
“The invention is a charging unit for providing electricity from the outside to the pillow which includes a sponge with the function of a pillow and an outer cover around the sponge,” Alireza Ahmadi, the director of the technological unit, told ANA.
“A sleep monitoring unit has been used to monitor the person's sleeping condition, and an electric air pump is also applied to automatically inject or extract air in an air tube,” he added.
“Also, a charging connection terminal connected to an external power cable exists in the smart pillow to provide power from the rechargeable battery next to the charging connection terminal for manual operation of various modes for better sleep performance,” Ahmadi said.
Iranian Scientists Produce Biocompatible Pesticides
A group of Iranian researchers succeeded in settling the problem of impacts of pesticides on agricultural products by making standard biocompatible poisons.
Researchers at a knowledge-based company stationed at Tarbiat Modarres University produced biocompatible pesticide formulations, Varozis disease drug, compounds that attract fruit flies, sulfur and tabul to control pests and plant pathogenic agents, pesticides from plant residues, compounds which increase the effectiveness of pesticides, and active targeted fertilizers.
“Agricultural pesticide residues have created many problems for the export of greenhouse products. An issue that caused many products to return to Iran many times and farmers suffered a lot,” Saeed Moharramipour, a professor of Agriculture Faculty of Tarbiat Modarres University and the managing director of the knowledge-based company, told ANA.
“Our company has produced the product which kills the most important pest of greenhouses in the country - the two-spotted tartan mite. We have also registered the pesticide for fighting the citrus leafhopper, one of the key citrus pests,” he added.
Iran inaugurates Bank of Marine Reserves
Iran has inaugurated its bank (database) of marine reserves at the Iranian National Center for Genetic and Biologic Resources with the aim of protecting the country’s marine resources as a national asset.
Masoud Sadrinasab, an advisor to Iran’s Minister of Science, Research and Technology and Head of the Center for International Scientific Studies and Cooperation of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology attended the opening ceremony of the Iranian Marine Reserves Bank where he emphasized the need to pay more serious attention to the genetic and biosphere reserves in the country. He described the natural marine reserves as a national asset and a factor playing important role in food security and the general economy.
“Aquatic animals in Iran, especially in the Persian Gulf ecosystem, which has a good diversity, need protection and attention,” added the science ministry's center's head.
Also in the inauguration ceremony, Nasser Farrokhi, the deputy head of the Science Ministry's center reiterated the high possibility of generating wealth from knowledge-based products produced based on marine biological resources.
Farrokhi stressed the need for paying more attention to marine reserves in the Persian Gulf given the beginning of the exploitation on the part of the Persian Gulf littoral states from shared natural habitats.
Voicing his happiness with the opening of the Marine Reserves Bank in the Iranian National Center for Genetic and Biologic Resources, he further expressed hope that the protection of marine reserves will gain momentum through the joint efforts of all government and non-government bodies.
Special Enzyme Improver Produced in Iran for Bread Industry
Specialists of an Iranian knowledge-based company managed to produce enzyme improvers for the flour and bread industry by using strain engineering technology.
“The application of strain engineering technology in the production of the maltogenic amylase enzyme, or the special enzyme for flour and bread, is the newest production line launched in our company,” Ali Marjovi, the managing director of the knowledge-based company which makes probiotic and enzyme products, told ANA.
Noting that the entire process of indigenization of strain engineering technology in the production of flour and bread enzymes has been completed by the Iranian experts, he said, “The strain engineering project in the production of flour and bread enzymes is a time-consuming and continuous process that started last year in our company.”
“These maltogenic amylase enzymes are mostly used in the flour and bread industry, but they are also used in a limited way in other food industries. Strains are used as an improver to increase the quality of flour,” Marjovi said.
Maltogenic amylase (MAA) (EC3. 2.1. 133), a member of the glycoside hydrolase family 13 that mainly produces α-maltose, is widely used to extend the shelf life of bread as it softens bread, improves its elasticity, and preserves its flavor without affecting dough processing.
Iranian Scientists Make Smart Label for Monitoring Seafood Health
Iranian researchers produced a type of smart green ink to monitor the freshness of seafood by using nanotechnology and plant materials.
Asma Vardian, a researcher at Mashhad Food Science and Industry Research Institute, used anthocyanin, curcumin and their optimal ratio on nanofibrchitin substrate to produce pH-sensitive ink and indicator for monitoring shrimp spoilage with the naked eye.
In this project, smart green ink was made from shrimp shell waste (chitin nanofibers) and the combination of two natural pigments, curcumin and anthocyanin obtained from saffron petals, to monitor the freshness of shrimp during storage in the refrigerator.
These smart inks were stable even after being stored for six months at different temperatures.
Iran to Launch National Brain Center
Iran is establishing the National Brain Center with the aim of quantitative and qualitative development of interdisciplinary clinical researches, expansion of services, new technologies and empowerment of manpower in the field of cognitive and neurosciences.
The brain center is being created and will be run by Iran’s Cognitive Sciences & Technologies Council at the Firouzgar Educational, Research and Therapeutic Center in Tehran.
The project to create the brain center has had 30% progress so far. The council has announced that the center will be established for quantitative and qualitative development of interdisciplinary clinical researches, expansion of services, new technologies and empowerment of manpower in the field of cognitive and neurosciences.
The National Brain Center will act as a research, educational, therapeutic, and a rehabilitation base. It will act as a consortium consisting of universities and scientific centers operating in the field of neurology and other related scientific fields.
It will seek to materialize the vision of scientific cooperation and interdisciplinary research and will bring closer to each other basic sciences and clinical sciences.
Iranian Companies Producing Several Nano-Based Health Products
Iranian specialists at the knowledge-based and technological companies have used nanotechnology to manufacture several products for medical and health applications.
The most important Iran-made products manufactured for the health sector include wound dressing containing silver nanoparticles with antibacterial properties, chemotherapy injectable drug containing nanoliposomes, viral RNA magnetic extraction kit based on nanoparticles, amphotericin B topical gel containing nanomaterials, amphotericin B topical gel containing nanomaterials, zinc supplement capsule containing zinc oxide nanoparticles, sunscreen cream containing titanium dioxide nanoparticles, hand sanitizer foam containing silver nanoparticles, spunbond fabric covered with nanofibers, antibacterial medical seat pillow containing nanoparticles, and antibacterial orthopedic medical insoles containing nanoparticles.
Iran has made nanotechnology a priority in recent years, achieving lots of success. In January 2022, the nanotechnology research website StatNano ranked Iran as fourth in the world in nanotechnology publications.
“The number of scientific articles is deemed a significant parameter for measuring and comparing scientific development,” read the StatNano report.
Official: Iran Ranks 4th Worldwide in Traditional Medicine Citation
Iran ranks fourth among all participating countries for publication of articles in the field of indigenous pharmacology, traditional medicine and medicinal plants, an official said.
“Scientifically and practically, we have achieved a good position and an acceptable international ranking in the field of medicinal plants,” said Mohammad Reza Shams Ardakani, the secretary of the Science and Technology Development of Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine Headquarters of the Iranian Vice-Presidency for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy.
“Since two years ago (2022), we have been able to rank fourth in the world, which is a very special success,” he added.
“We also have good knowledge-based companies that operate in the field of production, processing and extraction (of medicinal plants), and the Headquarters will also support them,” Shams Ardakani underlined.
Iranian Technologists Produce Lithium-Ion Batteries for Use in Auto Industry, Electric Motors
Technologists at a company in Iran have acquired the know-how of manufacturing 18650 Li-ion batteries which according to them, can be used in electric cars, household appliances and other transport vehicles.
“Our company has been operating in the field of banking since 2015 and we have produced products in the fields of banking and information technology,” said Mahdieh Sabour, the director of the digital department of the Iranian technological company.
She said that their company started its operation in the banking field with the production of POS devices, adding, “The production of thermal paper rolls used in POS devices is one of the other products of our company.”
Sabour considered the production of 18650 Li-ion batteries as the latest product they produce in their company, adding, “These batteries are used for electric motors and electric cars and other electric equipment.”
The director further considered 18650 Li-ion batteries to be a type of cylindrical batteries that are designed and manufactured to provide high electrical power and maintain high current for long time under fluctuating and very repetitive charge and discharge conditions.
"This product has the capability to provide a constant current of 25,000 milliamps under conditions of maximum temperature of 80 degrees Celsius. The special design of this product has made it possible for the user to use it at very low temperatures up to minus 30 degrees Celsius," she added.
Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Produces Remote Control Submarines
Experts at a knowledge-based company in Iran have successfully designed and produced remote control submarines for carrying out naval inspection missions under the sea surface.
Milad Fayazi, the managing director of the Knowledge-Based Company, that is the manufacturer of Remote Control Submarine, said that these mini submarines are robots that are widely used in the world.
As regards the specifications of the machine, he said that these remotely guided submarines are egg-shaped which are usually used for military activities or ocean navigation,” he added.
"Our field of work is industrial and free structure devices that are designed according to the type of project and are usually not egg-shaped; rather, they are in the form of structural robots and one of their advantages is the possibility of their production in different dimensions. This issue reduces costs and allows operations to be carried out in small spaces.
"In addition to implementing industrial processes, these robots are also capable of military activities, including the capability to neutralize sea mines or naval mine planting. In spite of that, our approach is to develop industrial robots and inspect the priorities that are considered for these robots."
Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Domestically Produces Electronic Equipment Used in Marine Industry
A knowledge-based company in Iran has domestically designed and produced explosion-proof cameras, marine motion stabilizers and fluctuating sea level simulators that are ideal for marine environments.
In an interview with local media, Farhad Fatourechi, the managing director of the knowledge-based company pointed to the fluctuating sea level simulator, explosion-proof cameras, specific displays for daytime visibility and waterproof vessels among some of the products produced by their company.
"Our latest achievement is stabilizing foundations. This product is placed on vessels and controls the currents that cause fluctuations on the vessel," he said.
"Using this product, all the equipment on the vessels can be kept horizontally despite the fluctuations that the vessel exerts on this equipment," he added.
Referring to the applications of these stabilizers, Fatourechi explained, "Floating antennas must be in a stable position to communicate with satellites; otherwise, with the fluctuations of the ship, finding a satellite for the antenna will not be possible. These stabilizers can ensure the performance of these satellites."
Iranian Companies Unveil 3 Technological Products at INOTEX 2024
The three technological products were unveiled at the opening ceremony of the INOTEX international exhibition held in Tehran’s Pardis Technology Park in the presence of the deputy of the Iranian Vice President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Mehdi Safarinia, Zimbabwe’s science minister and the experts working in Iran’s innovation ecosystem.
These products are used in automobile, shoe, sports equipment, glue industries and in making industrial parts and as raw materials for the production of specific parts.
One of the three products unveiled at the INOTEX this year was thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) which is any of a class of polyurethane plastics with many properties, including elasticity, transparency, and resistance to oil, grease, and abrasion. Technically, they are thermoplastic elastomers consisting of linear segmented block copolymers composed of hard and soft segments.
Minister: Iran, Iraq to Increase Trade Ties to 40 Billion Dollars
Iranian Economy Minister Ehsan Khandouzi announced that Tehran and Baghdad have agreed to boost their bilateral trade relations to $40bln in the long term.
Both nations have set ambitious targets for bilateral trade. The agreement reached in the second bilateral trade committee outlines plans to elevate trade volumes to $20 billion in the short term and a substantial $40 billion in the long term, with a focus on achieving trade balance, said Khandouzi after participating in the 6th Iran-Iraq Joint Cooperation Commission.
The recent session of the 6th Iran-Iraq Joint Cooperation Commission, held in Tehran, saw the participation of Iran's Minister of Economy and Iraq's Minister of Trade Athir Dawood Salman in which they underlined commitment to enhancing economic ties between the two nations.
Khandouzi highlighted the enduring growth of Iran-Iraq relations despite challenges, underscoring Iran's support for an independent, advanced Iraq as a pillar of regional stability.
He acknowledged external pressures but affirmed the resilience of the bilateral ties, particularly in political and economic spheres.
Khandouzi prioritized the expansion of economic cooperation with Iraq, citing the increasing momentum in economic and commercial collaborations.
He stressed the importance of addressing obstacles to further bolstering these relations, advocating for regular joint commissions to catalyze progress in economic, commercial, and industrial domains.
Knowledge-Based Firm Produces Sea Water Measuring Device Operating Based on Tomography
An knowledge-based firm has designed and produced a water data measuring device based on tomography technology to measure sea water data such as the temperature and salinity.
The measuring device was unveiled in Tehran-hosted Innovation and Technology Exhibition known as INOTEX, the latest edition of which was held from May 7 to 10, 2024 at Pardis Technology Park, and hosted over 450 innovative and technological companies as exhibitors and more than 10 side events.
The device has been produced by a knowledge-based company as one of its latest products and it is a water data measurement device based on coastal acoustic tomography (CAT).
The CAT measures path-averaged currents from reciprocal acoustic transmission experiments and reconstructs velocity fields from the multiple path-averaged current data, and is useful for monitoring tidal currents in coastal shallow water, especially if data assimilation is employed.
The instrument measures water data such as discharge, velocity, temperature and salinity.
Iran Unveils First Home-Made Triple Wavelength Dental Laser Device
Iran unveiled the country’s first domestically-made triple wavelength laser device for dentistry.
Saeedreza Shahmoradi, the director general of the Department of Medical Equipment of Iran's Food and Drug Administration, unveiled NITA, the triple wavelength laser device, made by an Iranian company.
“All the products made by this company have the European CE standard and its quality can compete with similar foreign samples,” Shaاmoradi said.
He added that the laser device has been designed in two double wavelength and triple wavelength models, noting that its main application is used in oral and dental surgeries, gum diseases, tooth roots, dental prosthesis and dental implants, and even teeth whitening.
"The triple wavelength dental laser model was produced for the first time in Iran by the Iranian experts and is now in the standard and clinical tests stage," Shahmoradi said.
Iranian Scientists Produce Warfarin Drug for Cardiovascular Patients
Head of Iran’s Food and Drug Administration announced that the country’s scientists have achieved the technology to produce warfarin drug for cardiovascular patients.
“The first domestic producer of warfarin will distribute a large amount of the drug in the market in the coming days,” said Heider Mohammadi.
“Warfarin is a special drug and its production requires special conditions due to its limited therapeutic window, and one of the Iranian pharmaceutical companies has succeeded in producing the drug,” he added.
Mohammadi assured the cardiovascular patients that due to the imports of a suitable amount of warfarin drug and its domestic production no restrictions will exist on its supply in the next few months.
Warfarin is an anticoagulant (blood thinner). It reduces the formation of blood clots.
Iran-Made Monitoring System Detects Infection in Human Body
A team of medical engineering students of Islamic Azad University’s Science and Research branch in Tehran succeeded in designing and building a urine monitoring device which can detect blood, infection or problems of the urinary system or dehydration in the human body.
“The filling of the urinary catheter bag and the return of urine, urinary infections and pressure on the bladder are among the problems that most patients face when using the urinary catheter,” Sajjad Qofran, a medical engineering student at the Islamic Azad University’s Science and Research branch, told ANA.
“Our research team has succeeded in making a monitor that, equipped with a red light transmitter (red LED) and an RGB receiver sensor, can detect the passing volume of urine without having contact with the urine itself from the catheter hose and informs it to the nursing stations,” he added.
Iranian Scientists Produce Green Methanol to Reduce Greenhouse Gases
Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company succeeded in production of methanol synthesis catalyst, called green methanol, which helps the reduction of greenhouse gases.
“The new catalyst, which is called methanol synthesis catalyst, green methanol, is important in environmental protection,” said Behzad Nematollahi, the head of the methanol and methanation catalyst of the research unit of the knowledge-based company.
“Large amounts of carbon dioxide gas are created in petrochemical complexes and refineries and it is known as a greenhouse gas in the world, which has caused global warming; therefore, by removing this gas and turning it into valuable products like methanol, we both reduce the amount of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere and obtain a product with a higher added value,” he added.
“Carbon dioxide gas is an oxidizing gas that deactivates the catalyst. Therefore, we used methods, techniques and combinations in the catalyst to greatly increase its stability and lifetime. This catalyst has the potential to produce a significant amount of methanol,” Nemtollahi said.
Unmanned Ships to Traffic in Oceans in Future
The managing director of an Iranian knowledge-based company, active in the field of Internet of Things (IoT), said that different vessels will use the IoT in the future to traffic in seas and oceans.
“Applications of the IoT in the navigation sector will become more prominent in a few years, and soon we will see unmanned ships in the sea,” Nima Baheri told ANA.
“Most of our company's activity is on satellite internet with a focus on the sea and includes various topics like providing the internet to radio communications, smartening and using the IoT in the sea,” he added.
“We have a wristband that monitors the health of the sailors at any moment, and if for any reason they have to leave the ship or the ship is sinking, it can detect when, where and in what condition the sailors are,” Baheri said.
“There are sensors which can be mounted on marine stations and they can monitor the pollution, water temperature, wave strength, wind speed, and fish traffic in the sea,” he stated.
“As a solution provider, our company offers solutions and supplies the needed software and equipment,” Baheri noted.
Iranian Company Promotes Polymer Products with Advanced Testing Equipment, Methods
Experts of an Iranian technology and research company provide their specialized services to other firms in the country in the field of conducting tests on polymer products.
“Our company has focused on using the knowledge-based products which have national standards and we establish and implement the management and technical system of laboratories and improve the polymer knowledge-based products,” said Somayyeh Moradi, the managing director of the knowledge-based company.
“Determining the amount of soot and ash in polyolefin pipes and fittings, evaluating the degree of dispersion of pigment or soot in polymers, determining the density of non-sponge plastics (immersion method), measuring the melt mass flow rate, determining longitudinal return, determining tensile properties, determining pipe peeling and polymer joints, determination of volatile substances in polymers, determination of resistance to internal pressure, determination of hydrostatic pressure and crush test are only part of the services of our knowledge-based company,” she added.
Moradi explained that laboratory tests and services in the company rely on specialized equipment like the DSC device, nitrogen and oxygen gas capsule, tubular electric furnace, dissector, optical microscope, thin slicer, scale, thermometer, extrusion plastometer, oven, caliper, CNC machine, tension machine, and crushing test machine.
The Iranian companies have made good progress in producing different types of polymers.
Iran-Made Centrifuge Reactor Separates Associated Petroleum Gas
Specialists of an Iranian knowledge-based company succeeded in building a centrifuge reactor that separates associated petroleum gas (APG).
“Our knowledge-based company was able to invent a type of reactor to separate associated petroleum gas by amine absorption method,” said Vahid Reza Dehnavi, the managing director of the knowledge-based company.
“Fortunately, at the end of last year, this reactor was evaluated and approved by the Oil Industry Research Institute,” he added.
Noting that the APGs have a very low pressure and require equipment with large tools to collect and process them, Dehnavi said, “This centrifuge reactor is capable of processing associated gases at atmospheric pressure, which has resolved the problem in the oil industry.”
Iranian Specialists Perform Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) Successfully
The advanced technique of heart valve replacement by angioplasty known as Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) was successfully carried out in Khuzestan Province's hospital by a team of local specialists.
“Over the past six months, several cases of non-surgical heart valve replacement using the advanced TAVR method have been performed by me and my team at Golestan Hospital in Ahvaz," Habib Haibor, a cardiologist and a professor at Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences (AJUMS) in Ahvaz, said in an interview with local Iranian media.
"This advanced technique has been performed for the first time in Khuzestan province by a team the members of which all come from Khuzestan at the AJUMS. In this method, using angiography and through the femoral artery, biological heart valve replacements that are made from animal tissue is placed and installed in the patient's heart."
Haibor considered indigenization of the aortic valve replacement technique in Khuzestan as a result of hard work and team work, adding, "In this process, in addition to the team of doctors, the imaging team, the cardiac catheterization laboratories known as cat lab team, the CCU team, the ICUOH team, the laboratory team, the health and management team of Golestan Hospital have taken part and cooperated to perform these two important and relatively heavy operations."
Iran Among Top 10 Countries in Developing Technology, Science to Treat Infertility
Through the efforts of knowledge-based companies and research centers, Iran has become one of the top 10 countries capable of domestically developing know-how and biological sciences to treat infertility and perform In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).
Iranian couples had to travel to European countries for infertility treatment in the past decades, but now many couples from other countries, particularly neighbors come to Iran to receive infertility treatment via IVF.
The country has now become one of the top 10 countries in the world in infertility treatment and the treatment costs in Iran are much lower than in other countries. This has been achieved through the efforts of knowledge-based companies and research-service centers such as highly prestigious Royan Institute.
Based in Tehran, Royan Institute is a renowned center that provides comprehensive services for the infertility treatment, regenerative medicine/cell therapy, production of recombinant proteins and development of biological products.
Royan is only of the dozens of research service provider and clinical centers that provide services to infertile couples in Iran.
“Today, there are more than 100 infertility treatment centers in the country. One can say that all types of infertility can be treated inside the country now,” said that Mohammad Reza Sadeghi, the head of Avicenna Research Institute which was founded and is run by the Institute of Applied Science Technology Jahad Daneshgahi (IASTJD).
Iranian Firm Produces Polymeric Micromedicine for Treatment of Nail Fungus
Specialists of an Iranian knowledge-based company succeeded in producing a polymeric micromedicine for the treatment of a type of nail fungus.
“This drug is a formulation containing amorolfine in which amorolfine is placed in a type of polymer that is released slowly on the nail,” said Arsalan Pashapour, the managing director of the knowledge-based company.
“Amorolfine is used to treat onychomycosis, a type of fungal infection of the toes and fingers,” he explained.
Noting that most of the products available in the market are in the form of solutions which are quickly removed and lose their effectiveness, Pashapour said, “But this drug is placed on the nail in the form of varnish and slowly releases the drug after drying.”
“This drug, which will be sold under the brand name Amoronic, enjoys a high adhesion on the nail and is colorless,” he said, adding that sometimes in diabetic patients the shape of the nail changes which is caused by a fungal infection, and this drug can help these patients to minimize the risk of infection and provide faster treatment for them.
Lubrication Needed for Oil Industry Equipment Domestically Produced in Iran
Iran's Research Institute of Petroleum Industry and Iranian knowledge-based companies have locally produced the oil which is used in industry equipment.
During the final day of the 28th Iran’s International Oil, Gas, Refining and Petrochemical Exhibition entitled “Iran Oil Show” on May 12, the lubricants and greases required by oil industry equipment and machinery were unveiled. The lubricants have been produced through cooperation between the Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI) and a knowledge-based company, according to a report by the communication and information center of the Iranian Vice Presidency for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy.
"Last year we signed a contract with Petro-Sakht Company with the aim of commercial development and production of 10 previously-imported specific synthetic oils and greases," Akbar Zamaniyan, one of the managers at the RIPI, said.
"These products used to be imported while they matter a lot in the oil and gas industry," Zamaniyan said.
He further pointed to the oils and greases that are used in rotating machinery and turbines, as well as specific thermal oils produced domestically in Iran, saying, "These oils have been imported and are worth a lot. Having access to them also faced hurdles due to the sanctions. Fortunately, with the locally production of these products by the RIPI jointly in cooperation with the Petro-Sakht knowledge-based company, the production of these oils has developed."
Iranian researchers succeeded in acquiring the technical know-how to make a heat stress relief supplement in broiler chickens.
The plan to acquire the technical know-how to produce a heat stress relief supplement by using certain vitamins, minerals, polyphenols and probiotics in Arian crossbreed broiler chickens with the aim of producing more and better quality products is being carried out by the National Science Foundation of Iran in the form of the post-doctoral project of Leyli Jamshidi, a PhD in animal science from Ilam University.
This research can help to obtain the technical know-how of heat stress relief supplement production, use of biotechnology and nanotechnology to increase the effectiveness of vitamins and determine the appropriate level of nutrients in the conditions of heat stress in Arian crossbreed broiler chickens, and the managers of broiler farms, farms of Mother chickens, laying hen farms and animal feed plants can use the results.
India, Iran Ink Deal to Further Develop Chabahar Port
India signed a 10-year contract with Iran to further develop and operate the Iranian port of Chabahar.
Iranian Minister of Roads and Urban Development Mehrdad Bazrpash said on the sidelines of the signing ceremony that an Iran-India joint shipping company would be launched soon.
During the ceremony a contract for equipping and operating a container terminal and general cargo barges at Chabahar port was inked with an Indian company.
"We have regular planning in the development of rail, road and sea infrastructure and the growth of transit in different sectors in Iran continues," Bazrpash said.
“There is a direct line of container shipping between Iran, India and China. Since the start of this year (which began on March 21, 2024) the transportation of goods on this route has increased," he added.
"The Iran-India joint shipping company will be launched soon,” Bazrpash noted, adding that Chabahar port plays a strategic role in the eastern branch of our north-south corridor, and after the completion of the Chabahar-Zahedan railway section by the end of the year, this port will play a greater role in the country's transit development plan.
He added that the value of contract between Iran and India in Chabahar has increased to $370 million.
Iranian Factory Launches Production of ATY Yarn with Domestically Produced Equipment
A textile factory in Qazvin Province in the Northern part of Iran has started producing ATY yarn with domestically developed technology and equipment.
In a ceremony attended by Rouhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi, Iranian Vice President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, and Governor of Qazvin, the ATY yarn production line with an annual production capacity of 2,200 tons was inaugurated and put into operation at Nafis Nakh knowledge-based company in Qazvin province’s Lia Industrial Town.
Ahmad Jarian, the managing director of the knowledge-based company, said that the new production line has a nominal annual production capacity of 2,200 tons of yarn, adding, “With the help of this production line, Nafis Nakh Company would be able to produce texturized yarn products with air jet texturizing, which have the same properties as wool or cotton yarns. It is considered to be one of the leading technologies in yarn production that has been now indigenized.”
It has also put the production of polyester yarn, which has wide applications, on the agenda. Polyester yarn are used in all textile products such as blankets, cloth, safety belts.
He continued to say that they have also put the production of polyester yarn, which has wide applications, on the agenda. Polyester yarn is utilized in different textile products such as blankets, cloth, and seat belts.
"Nafis Nakh Company has been able to activate more than nine external companies producing yarn by supplying them its products, and many factories across the country are operating now because of Nafis Nakh and they produce its products," he further said.
Iranian Company Manufactures Oil Well Cement Testing Equipment
An Iranian knowledge-based company succeeded in production of a special device which measures the thickening time of cement slurries under simulated downhole pressure and temperature conditions of the oil wells.
“This device specifically measures and informs the thickening time of cement in the oil well,” Amin Karimi, the managing-director of the knowledge-based company, told ANA.
“The formulation of oil well cement is different from the cement used in construction. The most important parameter of the oil well cement is the calculation of its thickening time,” he added.
Noting that the measuring device is widely used in oil well drilling operations, Karimi said, “In the last stage of oil well drilling, the thickened cement is injected into the wall and around the well for more strength.”
“Before starting the drilling operation, the primary cement that is going to be injected into the well is measured by the potentiometer of this device, and the precise information of oil well cement measurement is transferred to the user through the software that is connected to the torque of the electronic device,” he added.
Iranian Physicians Use Japanese Method to Perform 1st Surgery to Stop Seizure in Children
Specialists in Iran have succeeded in conducting brain tumor seizure surgery on an 8-year-old child who has recovered without any complications.
“The last method of treating these tumors was done based on use of very thin tubes that are guided by the navigation system and are used to destroy and burn the convulsive connections of this mass and disconnect it from the central brain system,” Mansour Parvaresh, a specialized neurosurgeon, told ANA.
He stated that the neurosurgery team of Iran University of Medical Sciences, consisting of specialists from Firouzgar and Rasoul Akram hospitals, implemented this treatment method for the first time in Iran.
“We were able to perform surgery on an 8-year-old child with brain seizure tumor, which was very successful and the child recovered without any complications,” Parvaresh underlined.
“This treatment was conducted with the same equipment, technique and method as in Japan, and we are monitoring the child's condition and so far, no problem has occurred,” he added.
Iranian Technologists Able to Indigenize Industrial Devices Using Ultrasonic Technology
Researchers and technologists in Iran have managed to domestically produce industrial machines using ultrasonic technology, according to the managing director of an Iranian knowledge-based firm.
The 10th International Conference on Acoustics and Vibration was held by Iranian Society of Acoustics and Vibration at Shahid Sattari University in Tehran on May 16, 2024.
Addressing the conference, Hossein Nejat, the managing director of a domestic knowledge-based company, first gave an explanation about the nature and activities of his company, saying, “The ultrasonic laboratory of this company launched its operation as its main department in 2019 with focusing its activities on ultrasonic technology.”
“Ultrasonic technology is widely used in areas such as ultrasonography, welding devices and the sound sector of different industries.”
He pointed to one of the achievements of this knowledge-based company, the ultrasonic liquid flow meter, explaining, “This device is used in the oil, water and wastewater treatment industry and refineries.”
Iranian Experts Make BIA Body Analyzer Device
Researchers of an Iranian knowledge-based company stationed at the Science and Technology Park of Sharif University of Technology succeeded in indigenizing a bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) device.
“This device precisely measures the amount of visceral fat (hidden abdominal fat), muscle weakness, the amount of intracellular and extracellular water, and the amount of proteins in the body,” Vahid Ojaqi, the technical manager of the knowledge-based company, told ANA.
Noting that the device works by using the bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) method, he said, “It has impedance (weak pulses that connect to the body) and 8 electrodes (2 on the right hand, 2 on the left hand, two on the right foot and two on the left foot).”
Ojaqi explained that when a person stands on the device with bare feet, a weak impedance is introduced to the body, then the device obtains the necessary information about the amount of fat tissue, muscle, intracellular and extracellular water and the basic metabolism of the person with 5 different frequencies.
“Also, this device is able to report a history of body changes and displays what changes have occurred in the body compared to the previous period,” he added. He stated that measurement of basic metabolism and other parameters in medical science is highly important for patients, specially cancer patients, adding, “This device can also be used by nutritionists, physicians, and sports trainers to analyze the body of patients and athletes to assess their health and fitness.”
Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Produces Oil Control Valves for Car Industry
The production line of oil control valve (OCV) used in cars equipped with CVVT system was launched in an Iranian knowledge-based company in Qazvin province in the presence of Vice-President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy Rouhollah Dehqani Firouzabadi.
“Five million dollars in foreign exchange savings have been achieved with the production of the OCVs,” Dehqani Firouzabadi said.
The Continuous Variable Valve Timing (CVVT) performance control valve known as OCV (Oil Control Valve) is one of the products of the Iranian knowledge-based company, which plays a key role in the correct operation of the CVVT system in cars.
The oil control valve consists of a solenoid that has a coil and controls the oil flow for camshaft changes.
The CVVT system also plays an important role in adjusting the opening and closing time of the smoke and air valves of the car engine.
Iran needs 700,000 OCVs annually on average, and Shaygan company is the only manufacturer of this part in the country.
Iranian Scientists Make Breakthrough in Restoration of Amputated Finger with Stem Cells
Iranian researchers at Royan Research Institute made new discoveries by studying the role of secretions (exosomes) isolated from stem cells in repairing the cartilage of the amputated finger.
“This research project aims to investigate the effect of secretions (exosome) isolated from stem cells on repairing the cartilage of an amputated finger. In this project, researchers have conducted studies on the amputated finger of a mouse,” Leyla Taqiyar, a member of the scientific board of Royan Research Institute and an expert in cartilage and connective tissue regeneration, told ANA.
“Exosomes are cell secretions that can be changed by manipulations performed on them in research processes. Human and animal body cells have the ability to release other secretions with the genetic manipulations,” she added.
“Secretions caused by mesenchymal stem cells, with the manipulations carried out on their genome, enjoy the capability to repair the damaged tissue and organ of the body,” Taqiyar said.
“The main goal of this research was to investigate the secretions released from the mesenchymal stem cells of the mouse’s amputated finger. Of course, the initial phase of this research is testing on animals, and in the next phases, the necessary clinical tests will also be performed on the human body,” she noted.
Iran’s Petroleum University to Establish Academic Center in Africa
Iran’s Petroleum University of Technology is due to establish an international academic center in Africa, said the university’s chancellor.
Mohammad Chahardowli said that the Petroleum University of Technology with an 85-year history of activity was the second oldest higher education institution in Iran, adding during the recent years it has been one of the superior scientific and research institutions of the country, having served the Petroleum Ministry and the domestic and international companies in training human resources.
He also referred to the Petroleum University of Technology’s cooperation with the foreign universities, saying, "After signing a memorandum of understanding for cooperation with Basra University for Oil and Gas (BUOG) in Iraq, we plan to expand our cooperation this year which is set to cover issues like joint educational and research activities, exchange of professors and students and holding joint camps.”
“Likewise, we have reached an agreement with the Russian University of MGIMO, based on which the students will spend part of their education in Iran and the other part in Russia. These students will be given two master degrees, one from Iran and the other from the foreign university.” Chahardowli said.
He added that Petroleum University of Technology has also held negotiations with the Russian University of Kazan, seeking expansion of international cooperation via taking part in various international exhibitions.
“To expand our international activities, we are trying, with the help of the Ministry of Science, to establish a faculty in one of the African universities to train students from around the continent,” the chancellor said.
Iranian Experts Make Elastomeric Infusion Pumps for Delivery of Drugs
Technologist at an Iranian company managed to produce elastomeric infusion pumps used for ambulatory delivery of drugs.
“This device, which most people refer to as a pain pump, has an elastomer tank into which the medicine is injected and then delivered to the patient's body at a controlled rate (in the range of 2 to 10 ml/hour),” said Behnam Jamshid Doust, director of the research and development of the company.
“These elastomeric pumps can inject a specific dose of medicine to the patient at a controlled rate; therefore, instead of injecting painkillers all at once and creating momentary effects, the medicine can be continuously injected to the patient and reduce the patient's pain during the period after the surgery,” he added.
Jamshid Doust noted that the elastomeric pump can be used to manage pain after heavy surgery, painless childbirth and other clinical cases.
Elastomeric infusion pumps are designed for continuous drug delivery, on-demand delivery or a combination of continuous and on-demand drug delivery (patient-controlled analgesia, PCA).
Elastomeric pumps offer a safe alternative to electronic pump systems for various therapeutic areas and applications. They are intended for single use and, in contrast to electric infusion pumps, work without external energy sources such as batteries or electricity. The pumping function is provided by the continuous contraction of an elastomeric balloon filled with drug. Inside the infusion line connected to the balloon is a flow restrictor, also called a capillary, which limits the flow rate of the elastomeric drug by the pressure difference between its inlet and outlet.
Iranian Company Produces Economical Faucets for Hospitals
Experts at an Iranian company succeeded in manufacturing special faucets which reduce water consumption in hospitals.
“In our company, we have managed to produce low-consumption faucets which flow out five liters of water per minute,” said engineer Derakhshan, one of the researchers of the company.
Noting that the faucets in the market are made of plated brass, he said, “But our faucets are made of standard steel which is resistant to detergents for disinfection and they are guaranteed for two years.”
Derakhshan added that the company also produces anti-bacterial and anti-virus filters which are used in hospital environments to provide clean air for the patients.
Knowledge-Based Firm Designs, Produces Intelligent Automobile System for Accident Prevention
Researchers in an Iranian knowledge-based have designed and produced an intelligent warning system for automobiles to predict accident possibilities and prevent them.
Iranian Researchers at a knowledge-based company have designed and built an intelligent pre-accident prediction and warning device.
“The experts at this company are working towards the development of various systems for smart vehicles using new technologies such as artificial intelligence, and we are trying to focus more on the systems for increasing the safety of cars,” Ali Parsa, the managing director of the company said.
“After reviewing various international research and commercial examples of systems related to autonomous vehicles, this company has succeeded in designing, manufacturing and producing an intelligent pre-accident warning and alert device. We have also tested and evaluated this product by designing and developing an autonomous vehicle test simulator and conducting testing it on streets and roads,” he added.
“The intelligent device for predicting a crash into the vehicle in front of the car and warning before an accident is designed and built to prevent road accidents caused by driver drowsiness or distraction,” Parsa further explained.
“This device is installed on the front part of the interior part of light or heavy vehicles to predict a possible crash into the vehicle in front of the car and prevent accidental exit from the road or road lane. It alerts the driver by creating an audio warning so that the driver quickly gathers his wits and hit the brake and does not crash,” the managing director of the company added.
Kidney Transplants in Iran Increased by 15% Last Year
The head of the transplant department of the Iranian Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education said the number of kidney transplants in the last year of 1402 in the Iranian calendar (March 21, 2023-2024) increased by 15% compared to the year before.
Sanaz Dehghani, the head of the transplant department of the Iranian health ministry, told ANA that in 1402 (ended on March 19, 2024), the number of organ donors hit a new record high in the country.
"There were 1,121 organ donors in the country and as many as 4,124 organ donations were registered last year," she went on to say.
She also said that organ donation is done in different areas such as kidney, liver, pancreas, heart, lung and intestine, adding, “The number of kidney transplants in 1402 increased by 15% compared to the year before the Iranian year of1401 (March 21, 2022-2023).”
Moreover, Abdul Samad Hekmat, a urologist and kidney transplant specialist in Afghanistan, said that the first kidney transplants were performed by Iranian specialists in Herat city.
“In 1402, several Afghan specialists received training in nephrology, surgery and anesthesia at Shahid Labafinejad Hospital [in Tehran], and after that they were able to perform kidney transplants in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan,” Hekmat said.
“Over the past two years, about 700 cases of kidney transplants were performed in the two cities of Herat and Kabul by Afghan specialists,” he added.
Iranian scientists Make Electrodialysis (ED) for Water Treatment Plants
A scientist, presiding a team working in the field of applying nanotechnology in the water industry, said that after two or three failed attempts, the team finally built an electrodialysis device that removes water-polluting ions.
“We initiated our work in a laboratory that could provide infrastructure for metal nanomaterials,” Bahare Kaviani said.
“Our strategy was to expand nanomaterials. In 2010, we started water treatment to achieve drinking water. For that, we produced a product with new methods to solve the problem of traditional methods. One of these problems is wastewater treatment and water recycling.”
The nanotechnology activist added that, “As a small knowledge-based company, we contacted water and sewage companies and told them that we could operate in the country by relying on our knowledge. Of course, that was a difficult job because implementing the pilot project and satisfying the customer comes with problems.”
Saying that "water is of crtitical importance in the country due to its direct relationship with people's health", Kaviani added, "Our project failed two or three times until fortunately, after 1.5 years of efforts, the first electrodialysis system, which is a deionization technology, was completed. This system removes polluting ions.”
"The production of nanomaterials has provided us with an infrastructure so that we can use this knowledge in other fields. These infrastructures have allowed us to use products in agriculture, fisheries, skin and hair, etc. The export of these materials is also underway," the researcher added.