Iranian Experts Obtain Technical Know-How to Produce Heat Stress Relief Supplement in Broiler Chicken

The plan to acquire the technical know-how to produce a heat stress relief supplement by using certain vitamins, minerals, polyphenols and probiotics in Arian crossbreed broiler chickens with the aim of producing more and better quality products is being carried out by the National Science Foundation of Iran in the form of the post-doctoral project of Leyli Jamshidi, a PhD in animal science from Ilam University.
This research can help to obtain the technical know-how of heat stress relief supplement production, use of biotechnology and nanotechnology to increase the effectiveness of vitamins and determine the appropriate level of nutrients in the conditions of heat stress in Arian crossbreed broiler chickens, and the managers of broiler farms, farms of Mother chickens, laying hen farms and animal feed plants can use the results.
Iran had earlier taken a long stride towards food security by launching chicken line projects.
Chicken line is one of the best breeds in the field of food security and Iran is one of the six countries in the world that owns Arian crossbreed chicken line.
In fact, a pure population of special animals (both livestock and poultry) that belong to a specific breed with well-defined genetic specifications and only mate with pure animals of the same race and are also capable of producing animals similar to themselves, are called animal line.
The Biotechnology Development Headquarters of Iran’s Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology has realized the importance of having animal lines and seeks to expand the production and commercialization of chicken lines and revive this important and strategic industry in the country.
Therefore, it has defined serious plans for the development of the domestic market of chicken line in Iran which are being implemented with the help of governmental organizations and knowledge-based companies.
One of the measures adopted in this area is development of the chicken line which is conducted by identification of capacities, comparing the performance of strains, breeding Arian crossbreed with diluted ration and wheat waste, signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to create a support line with Etka organization and setting up a livestock innovation factory and poultry.