Iranian Experts Develop New Generation of Diesel Generator Engines with Less Fuel Consumption

“This product uses diesel or gas as fuel to produce electricity. The internal combustion engine of this device provides the driving force necessary to produce electricity in the alternator. In this system, the mechanical energy required by the generator is supplied by the internal combustion engine, and the generator produces electricity based on electromagnetic induction,” said Mohammad Hassan Kargarzadeh, the sales manager of the knowledge-based company.
“The new generation of diesel engines produced in this company is nearly 40% more efficient than their previous generations as they can produce more energy with less fuel consumption,” he added.
Kargarzadeh explained that the diesel engine also produces more electricity due to the fuel ignition method which makes them very suitable for heavy industries with more power needs.
In a relevant development last year, another Iranian knowledge-based company in Iran had also managed to indigenize the process of overhauling and manufacturing heavy and semi-heavy diesel engine parts needed for rail industry.
“One of the main equipment of engine is a block which is four meters long. In fact, one of the most important tasks for engine overhaul is replacing the old block with a new one and we were able to master the standard overhauling methods,” said Mohammad Hossein Pirouzi, the managing director of Pouyesh Pajouhan San’at company.
“We also found out how to assess and fix the fault and put the standard methods of complete engine washing on the agenda. In fact, we designed a washing machine that helped the process of overhauling the engine. Then, we added a special highly accurate cutting machine to our collection and today we have mastered the supply of parts for a specific diesel engine,” he added.