Civil Engineering

Iranian Specialist Invents Environmentally-Friendly Concrete to Reduce Pollutants by 50%
TEHRAN (ANA)- A faculty member of Islamic Azad University succeeded in designing and implementing a type of environmentally-friendly concrete that reduces pollutants by 50% and is 30% cheaper compared to other samples.

Industrial Model of T267 Concrete Spraying Machine Designed in Iran
TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian researchers at the industrial design department of University of Tehran succeeded in designing an industrial model of the T267 concrete spraying machine.

Iranian Experts Convert Stone Waste into Decorative Building Facades
TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian researchers from a technological team succeeded in producing decorative facades for buildings by using stone waste and powder.

Iran-Made Adhesive Increases Strength, Stability of Rebar Connections to Concrete Structures
TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian company stationed at the incubator center of Polymer and Petrochemical Research Institute used nanotechnology to eliminate the need for carving to strengthen, modify or repair the previous concreting by producing rebar planting adhesive.

Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Makes Fireproof Coating to Strengthen Building Structures
TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company designed and produced a fireproof coating which is a combination of several materials and helps a lot in maintaining the resistance of building structures during accidents.

Iranian Scientists Use Ultrasound Waves to Inspect Non-Permanent Joints of Structures
TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian researchers at the University of Tehran achieved the technique of inspecting the loosening of non-permanent joints in structures by using ultrasound waves to stimulate the foundation.

Iranian Firm Makes High-Resistance Double-Walled Polyethylene Prefabricated Houses
TEHRAN (ANA)- A knowledge-based company succeeded in production of high-resistance double-walled polyethylene prefabricated houses.

Iran Showcases Knowledge-Based Products at Russia’s Technobuild 2024 Expo
TEHRAN (ANA)- Different products of 15 Iranian companies were displayed at the pavilion of knowledge-based companies at Russia’s international construction exhibition (Technobuild 2024) in Yekaterinburg.

Iran to Construct 1st Building by Using All-Knowledge-Based Products
TEHRAN (ANA)- The Iranian Road, Housing and Urban Development Ministry’s Research Center called on the country’s construction product manufacturers to participate in making the first knowledge-based model building to promote the capacities for production of prefabricated housing.

Iranian Company Produces Special Adhesives, Insulation to Reduce Construction Costs
TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company succeeded in producing adhesives and insulation applicable in the construction industry which decrease the cost of construction and repair.