Chemistry - Chemical engineering

Chemical engineering

Revolutionizing Batteries with Earth’s Most Abundant Metal

Revolutionizing Batteries with Earth’s Most Abundant Metal

TEHRAN (ANA)- Oregon State University’s latest study introduces iron as a viable, cost-effective cathode material for lithium-ion batteries, potentially reducing reliance on costly metals like cobalt and nickel while enhancing battery safety and sustainability.
Iranian Researcher Presents New Method to Increase Efficiency of Methane Conversion

Iranian Researcher Presents New Method to Increase Efficiency of Methane Conversion

TEHRAN (ANA)- Research results for increasing methane conversion efficiency and hydrogen production by Fatemeh Ahmadi Nouri, a PhD graduate of Amirkabir University of Technology in Iran, were published in an international journal of Chemical Engineering with an impact factor of 15.1.
Harvard Scientists Discover Quantum Order in Chemical Chaos

Harvard Scientists Discover Quantum Order in Chemical Chaos

TEHRAN (ANA)- Harvard scientists proved quantum coherence can persist in chemical reactions at ultracold temperatures, revealing new insights into quantum dynamics and potential applications in quantum information science.
Technology Company Improves Quality of Iran-Made Polyethylene Films

Technology Company Improves Quality of Iran-Made Polyethylene Films

TEHRAN (ANA)- Experts at an Iranian technology company have produced high quality polyethylene (PE) films and lay the ground for improving the quality of products available in the country's market.
Iranian Scientists Produce Diesel, Black Carbon from Sewage

Iranian Scientists Produce Diesel, Black Carbon from Sewage

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian researchers at Tehran Wastewater Company managed to produce diesel and black carbon from the dewatered sludge in the wastewater treatment process of the capital's treatment plants.
Scientists Achieve Breakthrough in Combating Plant Cancer

Scientists Achieve Breakthrough in Combating Plant Cancer

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers have developed a novel bio-fungicide to combat root rot disease in cultivating Astragalus membranaceus, commonly known as Huangqi or Astragalus root.
Promising Future of Sodium-Ion Batteries

Promising Future of Sodium-Ion Batteries

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers have improved the performance of hard-carbon electrodes in sodium-ion batteries using a new high-functional density polyfumaric acid binder.
Iranian Knowledge-Based Firms Produce Valuable Catalyst for Petrochemical Industry

Iranian Knowledge-Based Firms Produce Valuable Catalyst for Petrochemical Industry

TEHRAN (ANA)- Two Iranian knowledge-based companies have been able to meet the needs of petrochemical firms by acquiring the know-how of designing and manufacturing the complex palladium catalyst, a report said.
New Elements Enhance Lithium Battery Cyclability

New Elements Enhance Lithium Battery Cyclability

TEHRAN (ANA)- A group of researchers have significantly improved the performance of lithium-iron-oxide cathodes used in lithium-ion batteries by doping them with abundant elements like aluminum and silicon.
New Aqueous Batteries Surpass Traditional Limits

New Aqueous Batteries Surpass Traditional Limits

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics have developed an innovative aqueous battery that reaches a specific capacity of 840 Ah/L and an energy density of 1200 Wh/L, enhancing both safety and energy efficiency in battery technology.
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