Technology - Biology & Biotechnology

Biology & Biotechnology

New Biological Products Made in Iran via Innovation in Bioinformatics

New Biological Products Made in Iran via Innovation in Bioinformatics

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian student at Islamic Azad University’s Sahr-e Kord branch succeeded in making new biological products by using innovative methods in bioinformatics.
Scientists Unravel 15-Year Mistake in Stem Cell Research

Scientists Unravel 15-Year Mistake in Stem Cell Research

TEHRAN (ANA)- Columbia University’s research has uncovered a longstanding error in identifying gut stem cells, finding the true stem cells in a different site, which could revolutionize regenerative medicine by applying these findings to other organs.
Inside Human Brain: Genetic Discoveries Could Revolutionize Medicine

Inside Human Brain: Genetic Discoveries Could Revolutionize Medicine

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers have produced a first-of-its-kind catalog of gene-isoform variation in the developing human brain and this novel dataset provides crucial insights into the molecular basis of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric brain disorders and paves the way for targeted therapies.
Major Cause of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Discovered

Major Cause of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Discovered

TEHRAN (ANA)- Scientists at the Francis Crick Institute identified a key biological pathway in IBD involving the ETS2 protein, which can be targeted with already available MEK inhibitor drugs to potentially reduce disease symptoms.
Scientists Design Bio-Inspired 3D E-Skin

Scientists Design Bio-Inspired 3D E-Skin

TEHRAN (ANA)- A team of scientists has created the world's first bio-inspired electronic skin with a 3D structure that mimics three mechanical signals found in human skin.
Scientists Identify New Gene that May Resist Aging, Kill Pests

Scientists Identify New Gene that May Resist Aging, Kill Pests

TEHRAN (ANA)- A team of scientists has identified a longevity gene that may potentially enhance human resistance to aging and become a new target for managing pests.
Researchers Obtain Clearest Mitochondrial Protein Images under Physiological Conditions

Researchers Obtain Clearest Mitochondrial Protein Images under Physiological Conditions

TEHRAN (ANA)- A joint research team from China and the United States has developed a novel method to capture the clearest images of mitochondrial proteins in an environment closest to their native state.
Researchers Transplant Gene-Edited Pig Liver into Living Human Patient

Researchers Transplant Gene-Edited Pig Liver into Living Human Patient

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers announced that they have successfully transplanted a genetically modified pig liver into a living human patient with severe liver cancer, marking a breakthrough in xenotransplantation involving living humans.
Breakthrough Enzyme Discovery Could Make Widely Used Plastic Polystyrene Biodegradable

Breakthrough Enzyme Discovery Could Make Widely Used Plastic Polystyrene Biodegradable

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers from Paul Scherrer Institute have decoded a bacterial enzyme crucial for breaking down styrene, an element used in the high-volume production of polystyrene, which traditionally lacks biotechnological recycling methods.
USC Scientist Discovers New Rule of Biology

USC Scientist Discovers New Rule of Biology

TEHRAN (ANA)- USC Dornsife molecular biologist John Tower suggests that while living things generally prefer stability to conserve energy and resources, instability may also play a crucial role.
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