Technology - Biology & Biotechnology

Biology & Biotechnology

Evolutionary Origin of Mysterious Immune System Molecule

Evolutionary Origin of Mysterious Immune System Molecule

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers discovered that a protein called the J chain, which helps the immune system function properly, originally came from a different family of genes known as CXCL chemokines.
Official: Iran Ranks 12th in Production of Scientific Articles in Biotechnology

Official: Iran Ranks 12th in Production of Scientific Articles in Biotechnology

TEHRAN (ANA)- A senior Iranian official announced that the country is standing among the first 12 countries of the world which have had the highest number of scientific articles in the field of biotechnology.
Iranian Researchers Work on Producing Synthetic Fuel with Potential to Tackle Environmental Concerns

Iranian Researchers Work on Producing Synthetic Fuel with Potential to Tackle Environmental Concerns

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian researcher and his teammates at the University of Tehran are working on producing a synthetic fuel in a laboratory environment with the least pollution level through a simulator and combining percentages of materials together.
Iranian Scientists Indigenize Quantitative Phase Imaging Microscope

Iranian Scientists Indigenize Quantitative Phase Imaging Microscope

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian researchers succeeded in designing and building a Quantitative Phase Imaging (QPI) microscope which provides both quantitative and beautiful images of living cells.
Iranian Scientists Make DNA Extraction Kit from Saliva

Iranian Scientists Make DNA Extraction Kit from Saliva

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company succeeded in making a kit which extracts DNA from saliva and enjoys a stabilizer solution to prolong the saliva’s stability for high-quality DNA.
Researchers Uncover Significant Cognitive Differences between Male, Female Brains

Researchers Uncover Significant Cognitive Differences between Male, Female Brains

TEHRAN (ANA)- Research from Weill Cornell Medicine reveals that astrocyte receptors impact cognitive functions differently in males and females, suggesting a need for sex-specific approaches in developing treatments targeting these brain cells.
New Biological Products Made in Iran via Innovation in Bioinformatics

New Biological Products Made in Iran via Innovation in Bioinformatics

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian student at Islamic Azad University’s Sahr-e Kord branch succeeded in making new biological products by using innovative methods in bioinformatics.
Scientists Unravel 15-Year Mistake in Stem Cell Research

Scientists Unravel 15-Year Mistake in Stem Cell Research

TEHRAN (ANA)- Columbia University’s research has uncovered a longstanding error in identifying gut stem cells, finding the true stem cells in a different site, which could revolutionize regenerative medicine by applying these findings to other organs.
Inside Human Brain: Genetic Discoveries Could Revolutionize Medicine

Inside Human Brain: Genetic Discoveries Could Revolutionize Medicine

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers have produced a first-of-its-kind catalog of gene-isoform variation in the developing human brain and this novel dataset provides crucial insights into the molecular basis of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric brain disorders and paves the way for targeted therapies.
Major Cause of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Discovered

Major Cause of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Discovered

TEHRAN (ANA)- Scientists at the Francis Crick Institute identified a key biological pathway in IBD involving the ETS2 protein, which can be targeted with already available MEK inhibitor drugs to potentially reduce disease symptoms.
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