Technology - Biology & Biotechnology

Biology & Biotechnology

Can We Reverse Aging?

Can We Reverse Aging?

TEHRAN (ANA)- New research uncovers new insights into preventing chronic inflammation caused by aging-related zombie-like cells.
Iranian Company Produces Injectable Bioactive Pastes for Damaged Bones

Iranian Company Produces Injectable Bioactive Pastes for Damaged Bones

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian researcher succeeded in producing a special injectable bone-building paste by utilizing the properties of bioactive materials and quercetin which helps repair of bone injuries faster and more effectively.
Could Water Droplets Have Created Life?

Could Water Droplets Have Created Life?

TEHRAN (ANA)- Forget the dramatic lightning strike – life may have started with countless tiny sparks from crashing water droplets.
Cold Temperatures Unlock Hidden Powers of Shapeshifting Proteins

Cold Temperatures Unlock Hidden Powers of Shapeshifting Proteins

TEHRAN (ANA)- A new theory suggests temperature controls how metamorphic proteins shapeshift, with colder temperatures promoting transformation.
Researchers Find Way to Trick Body Into Changing How It Burns Fat

Researchers Find Way to Trick Body Into Changing How It Burns Fat

TEHRAN (ANA)- Scientists have identified the Plvap gene as a key regulator of metabolism during fasting.
Official: 17 World States Import Iran-Made Biotech Medicine

Official: 17 World States Import Iran-Made Biotech Medicine

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iran has exported biotechnology drugs to 17 countries in the world, an official said.
Researchers Discover Hidden Genetic Causes of Congenital Heart Disease

Researchers Discover Hidden Genetic Causes of Congenital Heart Disease

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at Mount Sinai have identified gene pairs that may contribute to congenital heart disease through digenic inheritance and their findings improve diagnostic accuracy, expand genetic research, and open new possibilities for personalized treatment strategies.
Researchers Invent Biomimetic Membrane to Extract Uranium

Researchers Invent Biomimetic Membrane to Extract Uranium

TEHRAN (ANA)- A team of researchers have developed a new type of membrane to extract uranium from seawater or salt lake water, shedding light on wastewater treatment and rare metal recovery.
Iran’s Royan Institute Produces Biological Wound Dressing for Diabetic Patients

Iran’s Royan Institute Produces Biological Wound Dressing for Diabetic Patients

TEHRAN (ANA)- The deputy director for research and technology department of Royan Research Institute announced the production of single-layer and double-layer medical skin for the treatment of wounds of diabetic patients and people with skin burns.
Your Biological Age May Be Decades Off

Your Biological Age May Be Decades Off

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers report that the type of tissue samples used is crucial when assessing a person’s biological age, which reflects how well their body is functioning.
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