World - Europe & Eurasia

Europe & Eurasia

Inflation in Italy Remains Low in June

Inflation in Italy Remains Low in June

TEHRAN (ANA)- Prices in Italy rose just 0.8 percent in June, preliminary data from the Italian government reported, the seventh time in eight months that the price increase was below 1.0 percent year-on-year.
Germany's Net Migration More than Halves in 2023 Compared to 2022

Germany's Net Migration More than Halves in 2023 Compared to 2022

TEHRAN (ANA)- Germany saw a migration surplus of 663,000 in 2023, more than halving the record 1.46 million in 2022, according to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis).
German Labor Market Continues to Weaken as Unemployment Rises

German Labor Market Continues to Weaken as Unemployment Rises

TEHRAN (ANA)- The number of unemployed people in Germany in June rose by 4,000 month-on-month to 2.73 million, putting the country's unemployment rate at 5.8 percent, the Federal Employment Agency (BA) said.
Italy Braces for 3rd Consecutive Early Heat Wave

Italy Braces for 3rd Consecutive Early Heat Wave

TEHRAN (ANA)- For the third year in a row, Italy is set to suffer from another early heat wave in June, with temperatures already rising across most parts of the country.
German Solar Industry Expects Double-Digit Growth in 2024

German Solar Industry Expects Double-Digit Growth in 2024

TEHRAN (ANA)- Following last year's boom in Germany's solar market, newly installed photovoltaic capacity is expected to grow by a double-digit percentage in 2024, the country's Solar Association (BSW) said.
Finnish Gov't Launches 80-Mln-Euro Program to Boost Physical Activity

Finnish Gov't Launches 80-Mln-Euro Program to Boost Physical Activity

TEHRAN (ANA)- The Finnish government launched a national program aimed at increasing everyday physical activity among citizens, backed by an 80 million euro budget.
Extreme Weather Negatively Affects Italian Agriculture in 2023

Extreme Weather Negatively Affects Italian Agriculture in 2023

TEHRAN (ANA)- Extreme weather significantly bruised Italy's agriculture, forestry, and fishing sectors last year, new government data revealed, just as the country prepares for what could be another difficult year.
Germany's Wholesale Prices Down Year-on-Year in May

Germany's Wholesale Prices Down Year-on-Year in May

TEHRAN (ANA)- Germany's wholesale prices decreased by 0.7% on a yearly basis in May, according to the federal statistical authority.
Russian Central Bank Keeps Key Interest Rate Unchanged

Russian Central Bank Keeps Key Interest Rate Unchanged

TEHRAN (ANA)- The Bank of Russia has decided to keep the key interest rate at 16 percent, signaling a possible rise for the next meeting, said a statement by the bank.
Cyprus Records Highest Ever June Temperature

Cyprus Records Highest Ever June Temperature

TEHRAN (ANA)- Cyprus recorded its hottest ever June as temperatures soared to an unprecedented 44 degrees Celsius, the Cypriot Meteorological Department said in a statement.
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