Achievements - Universities


Islamic Azad University’s Researcher among Top 2 Percent of Global Scientists

Islamic Azad University’s Researcher among Top 2 Percent of Global Scientists

TEHRAN (ANA)- The Vice-President of Research and Technology of Islamic Azad University’s Shahr-e Kord branch Farshid Kheiri announced that a scientist of this university is among the top 2% of the world scientists.
Iran University of Medical Sciences Using Highly Advanced Microscope

Iran University of Medical Sciences Using Highly Advanced Microscope

TEHRAN (ANA)- The TEM electron microscope, one of the world's top technologies, returned to the circuit of professional services to the faculty members of Iran University of Medical Sciences and students of engineering and medicine fields.
Amirkabir University Student Wins ‘Iranian Nobel Prize’

Amirkabir University Student Wins ‘Iranian Nobel Prize’

TEHRAN (ANA)- The student of Amirkabir University of Technology won the Alborz Prize (the Iranian Nobel Prize) in the student section.
ESI: Iran Ranks 14th in World for Highly-Cited Universities

ESI: Iran Ranks 14th in World for Highly-Cited Universities

TEHRAN (ANA)- The Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database announced that Iran ranks 14th in the world with 134 universities and research institutes listed among the most cited institutions.
Amirkabir University of Technology in Iran to Host ‘Petrochemical Industry Clinic’

Amirkabir University of Technology in Iran to Host ‘Petrochemical Industry Clinic’

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian petrochemical company is due to establish a ‘petrochemical industry clinic’ at Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT) in Tehran to promote green technology in methanol industry and decrease energy consumption.
Iranian Science Minister Stresses Cooperation with Islamic Azad University to Materialize Knowledge-Based Development

Iranian Science Minister Stresses Cooperation with Islamic Azad University to Materialize Knowledge-Based Development

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian Minister of Science, Research and Technology Mohammad Ali Zolfi Gol underlined cooperation with the Islamic Azad University to attain the goal of knowledge-based development.
VP: Sharif University’s Science, Technology Park to Host 100 New Knowledge-Based Firms

VP: Sharif University’s Science, Technology Park to Host 100 New Knowledge-Based Firms

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian Vice-President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy Rouhollah Dehqani Firouzabadi announced that 100 new knowledge-based companies will be established at the Science and Technology Park of Sharif University of Technology.
Iranian Researchers Produce Intelligent Chart Recorder for Horizontal Oil Wells

Iranian Researchers Produce Intelligent Chart Recorder for Horizontal Oil Wells

TEHRAN (ANA)- A team of Iranian researchers at Sharif University of Technology (SUT) have managed to design and build an instrument for charting in horizontal oil wells for the first time in Iran.
Iran-Made Faultless Scale Helps Poultry Health by Determining Weight Coefficient of Birds

Iran-Made Faultless Scale Helps Poultry Health by Determining Weight Coefficient of Birds

TEHRAN (ANA)- The research center for the development of new technologies in electrical industries of Islamic Azad University’s Bojnourd branch succeeded in building a device that in addition to the momentary weight, records the average weight of poultry every 24 hours.
Iranian Researcher Produces Micro Sensors for Assessment of Fish Health

Iranian Researcher Produces Micro Sensors for Assessment of Fish Health

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian researcher has produced micrometer hydrophane sensors which is an estimating tool to monitor and evaluate the environment and fish health under water.
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