Iran’s AUT to Expand Scientific Cooperation with Iraqi University

Iran’s AUT to Expand Scientific Cooperation with Iraqi University

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iraqi academic delegation from Wasit University visited the Tehran-based Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT) to discuss scientific cooperation.
Ninety Percent of Yarn for Carpets Domestically Produced Inside Iran

Ninety Percent of Yarn for Carpets Domestically Produced Inside Iran

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian official said that most of the carpets produced in Iran are made of acrylic fibers, adding that only 10% of that yarn is imported from other countries.
Iranian Inventor Wins IFIA Gold Medal for Knowledge-Based Product

Iranian Inventor Wins IFIA Gold Medal for Knowledge-Based Product

TEHRAN (ANA)- A researcher at the Islamic Azad University's Boueen Zahra Branch won a gold medal at the third International Invention and Innovation Competition for International Federation of Inventors’ Association (IFIA) INV Members virtually held in Geneva, Switzerland, for his knowledge-based irrigation product.
Islamic Azad University Researchers Working on Passive Radiation Defense

Islamic Azad University Researchers Working on Passive Radiation Defense

TEHRAN (ANA)- Islamic Azad University researchers have formed a "Passive Radiation Defense" group to tackle possible radiation accidents in the future.
Islamic Azad University’s Qazvin Branch Stands 3rd in France RoboCup 2023

Islamic Azad University’s Qazvin Branch Stands 3rd in France RoboCup 2023

TEHRAN (ANA)- Rescue agent simulation team of the MRL center of the Islamic Azad University’s Qazvin branch won the third title of the World RoboCup Championship 2023 in France.
Iranian Researchers Produce “Exoskeleton” to Improve Running Efficiency by 8%

Iranian Researchers Produce “Exoskeleton” to Improve Running Efficiency by 8%

TEHRAN (ANA)- A team of researchers at University of Tehran (UT) have invented a wearable device that could provide support to people who get tired soon when they run.
Iranian Researchers Working on Developing Hydraulic Fracturing Technology to Increase Oil, Gas Extraction

Iranian Researchers Working on Developing Hydraulic Fracturing Technology to Increase Oil, Gas Extraction

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at Iran’s Jahad Daneshgahi (ACECR) are trying to develop hydraulic fracturing technology to employ it in increasing oil and gas extraction.
Iranian Researchers Invent Digital Instrument to Measure Magnetic Field Intensity

Iranian Researchers Invent Digital Instrument to Measure Magnetic Field Intensity

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at Biochemistry and Biophysics Institute of the University of Tehran (UT) have successfully managed to invent and register "digital instrument to measure magnetic field intensity".
Iranian Researchers Produce Low-Cost Fertilizer Using Innovative Method

Iranian Researchers Produce Low-Cost Fertilizer Using Innovative Method

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at Hakim Sabzevari University, based in Sabzevar city in Razavi Khorasan province, succeeded in producing a type of low-dost fertilizer by mixing water and air as their raw materials.
Cloud Seeding in Iran by Using Special Home-Made Materials

Cloud Seeding in Iran by Using Special Home-Made Materials

TEHRAN (ANA)- A group of researchers from a knowledge-based company, stationed in the incubator center of Islamic Azad University’s Birjand branch, developed special materials for cloud seeding which have been used by the Iranian Energy Ministry.