Iranian Company Produces Vaccines for Trout Using Local Strains

The streptococcosis/lactococcosis, persiniosis, and streptococcosis vaccines are produced from local strains by the company, Ahmad Erfanmanesh, the project manager, said.
The vaccines are being administered in fish farms and have brought favorable results in preventing the occurrence of some diseases among trout fish, he added.
He went on to say that the significant economic losses for the farmers need technological solutions that can provide the best results in the shortest time possible.
“In this line, we developed vaccination in fish farms and updated the information on diseases, equipment, and methods of breeding aquatic animals in the country. We also monitored aquatic diseases,” Erfanmanesh went on to say.
Studies show that the vaccine produced for both of these diseases is highly effective for at least six months, he reiterated.
Lactococcus garvieae is the agent of lactococcosis, an emerging disease that affects many species of fish and causes major economic losses in aquaculture.
The scope of the disease is global and it has been reported in Iran in most parts of the country, he said, adding that timely vaccination in appropriate weights and in good quality water will prevent the disease.
Erfanmanesh pointed out that the vaccine can be used by immersion method for fish with a weight of at least three grams, and the best effectiveness is at a temperature of 11 to 15 degrees Celsius.