Iranian Experts Convert Stone Waste into Decorative Building Facades
Iranian specialists were able to produce a new coating from stone powder that does not use any cement powder, silica powder, or stone powder; these coatings are used for interior and exterior facades, floors, and pools.
Whatever stone waste exists can be processed and turned into stone by using this method.
The resins used in the new material are not acrylic resins, and they are a new type of resins designed by the Iranian researchers.
In a relevant development last year, an Iranian knowledge-based company had also supplied aluminum facade composites to the market to tackle the challenge of fire spread in buildings.
The flammability of the facade of the building is a challenge during a fire, because it causes the fire to spread to other floors. For that, an Iranian knowledge-based firm has offered facade composite panels with aluminum sinusoidal layers which does not catch fire.”
Mehdi Esmailizadeh, one of the managers of the Iranian knowledge-based company told local media that “Previously, we were using composite in the middle layer of this product, but one of the problems with these facade composite panels is their flammability; therefore, we use aluminum to solve this problem.”
“Being lightweight and fast installation compared to stone and ceramic and other data-x-items are among the other advantages of this facade composite,” he added.
“The difference between these panels and previous ones is that the middle layer of the composite panels was made of polyethylene which is flammable. Currently we have two production lines for this product,” Esmaeilizadeh added.
“But our important product is a composite with an aluminum layer in the middle and completely flameproof,” he added.