Iranian Company Produces CO2-Based Insufflator to Facilitate Endoscopy

"To examine the digestive system in endoscopy, the doctor passes a tube into the body through the mouth or anus to examine the digestive tract, esophagus or stomach and intestines," said Zahra Toorani, a PhD graduate from the Tehran-based Sharif University of Technology (SUT) and co-founder of the technological company that has produced the insufflator, according to a report by the public relations department of the Pardis Technology Park in Tehran.
"Air injection comes with risks such as pain, rupture of internal organs and air embolism in the abdomen. For that, we came up with the idea of producing a device that injects CO2 gas into the body instead of air. The absorption of this gas through blood vessels is 150 times that of air and it easily exits the body via the lungs. This significantly reduces the risk and pain caused by air embolism in the body," she added.
She added that after more than 10 years working in the field of producing medical equipment and studying the country's need for the insufflator, they decided to produce it.
"Since 2002, studies have been conducted on the international stage for the use of CO2 gas in the endoscopy process, and devices have been produced for that purpose called 'gas insufflators'. The product produced by our company was inspired by those devices," she went on to say.
"Compared to similar foreign equivalents, our company's product is not only priced much lower, about one-third of the foreign-made products, and its CO2 gas consumption is also one-third of them, which gives it a superiority," Torrani noted.