Iranian Technologists Produce Plant-Based Fungicide by Anti-Biological Method

“The field of activity of Fanavar Behzist company is production of a type of plant-based fungicide which is prepared by using a series of plants with antifungal properties,” Parvin Zolfaqari, a PhD student in the agricultural field at Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, told ANA.
She explained that the plant-based fungicide can be used as a pre-cultivation and has successfully passed the experimental stages.
“In the first stage, we tested our fungicides on two types of ornamental plants, including Adenium and Vigouri plants, and the results showed that the fungicide enjoys the capability to compete with other samples available in the market,” Zolfaqari said.
“In the next step, we tested the fungicide on 20 types of ornamental plants and two types of summer crops, and the results were also positive. Also, a mushroom cultivation experiment was conducted and the effect of fungicides in controlling parasitic fungi was assessed, and we achieved good results from this stage too,” she noted.
In a relevant development in April, specialists of an Iranian knowledge-based company had also succeeded in producing a plant probiotic fungicide fertilizer for agricultural industry which can replace several thousand tons of chemical fungicides.
“Fanavari Zisti Tabiatgara (Bayvaran) company is one of the two largest companies in the world in production of probiotics,” said Homayoun Moradi, the managing director of the knowledge-based company.
“We operate in three areas of agricultural, livestock and poultry and human probiotics; our human probiotics are made up of two parts of medicine and food, and we have more than 60 knowledge-based products in each of these three areas,” he added.
“One of our products is a fungicidal fertilizer or a plant probiotic that is used in agriculture and can replace several thousand tons of chemical fungicides, which are both harmful to the health and the soil, and often do not work because of poor quality,” Moradi said.
He noted that the product contains a special formulation of two important plant probiotics, Bacillus velezensis and Trichoderma, adding that it is produced with the aim of improving the nutrition and growth of plants and reducing or managing the damage caused by pathogenic fungi in crops, gardens and greenhouses.