Doing This Activity for 10 Weeks Can Trim Waist Size, Aid Weight Loss
TEHRAN (ANA)- Pooled data analysis shows that it is particularly effective in women and middle-aged or older adults.

Iranian Clinics Using Water Vapor to Treat Prostatic Hyperplasia
TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian hospitals and clinical centers are using a new method based on the water vapor to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia.

New Research Reveals Effects of Alcohol on Entire Digestive System
TEHRAN (ANA)- Alcohol doesn’t just impact the liver, it wreaks havoc on the entire digestive system. From inflamed gums and acid reflux to chronic pancreatitis and deadly cancers, excessive drinking is a silent destroyer of gastrointestinal health.

Scientists Uncover Hidden Cells That Spark Ovarian Cancer’s Deadly Growth
TEHRAN (ANA)- Scientists have uncovered a hidden driver of ovarian cancer—high-risk mesenchymal stem cells lurking in the fallopian tubes.

Study Finds Weight Loss Can Be Deadly for Some Patients
TEHRAN (ANA)- A study finds that significant weight loss increases the risk for individuals with cardiovascular disease.

This Simple Diet Change Could Extend Your Life
TEHRAN (ANA)- A new study conducted by researchers from Mass General Brigham, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard suggests that replacing butter with plant-based oils may offer significant health benefits, including a reduced risk of premature death.

Is More Exercise Always Better?
TEHRAN (ANA)- While physical activity is often associated with a longer lifespan, research from Finnish twin studies suggests the relationship may be more complex than previously believed.

New Study Links Aspirin to Increased Chest Muscle Loss
TEHRAN (ANA)- A new study suggests that statins help protect chest muscles, whereas aspirin contributes to chest muscle loss.

Iranian Scientist, Colleagues to Conduct World-First Clinical Trial on Poop Pills to Treat Pancreatic Cancer
TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian scientist Saman Maleki and his colleagues at Lawson Research Institute (Lawson) of St. Joseph’s Health Care London and London Health Sciences Centre Research Institute (LHSCRI) are the first in the world to study capsules containing microbes from the gut of healthy volunteers to improve the response of patients with advanced pancreatic cancer to chemotherapy.