TEHRAN (ANA)- OHSU scientists, aided by University of Portland undergraduates, discovered that sulfuretin, a plant-derived compound, inhibits an enzyme linked to multiple sclerosis and cancer.
TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers have discovered that the active pursuit of happiness drains our limited mental energy, reducing our self-control and making us more prone to choices that lead to unhappiness.
TEHRAN (ANA)- The third and fourth models of the Iran-made remote robotic surgery system, named Sina, were installed at several medical centers in the cities of Medan and Makassar in Indonesia for training courses.
TEHRAN (ANA)- Scientists have uncovered the mechanism by which retinoic acid selectively kills metastatic neuroblastoma cells, with little effect on primary tumors.
TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian scientist Saman Maleki and his colleagues at Lawson Research Institute (Lawson) of St. Joseph’s Health Care London and London Health Sciences Centre Research Institute (LHSCRI) are the first in the world to study capsules containing microbes from the gut of healthy volunteers to improve the response of patients with advanced pancreatic cancer to chemotherapy.
TEHRAN (ANA)- Scientists have identified a cytokine produced by tumor cells as the key factor driving irreversible fat loss with the progression of cancer cachexia, a severe condition affecting late-stage cancer patients.
TEHRAN (ANA)- A team of researchers has developed a power-free device to extract plasma from whole blood with 99 percent separation efficiency, showing broad application prospect in point-of-care testing and medical emergencies.
TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers from HSE University and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine identified 15 key motives that drive human behavior using an evolutionary perspective.
TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at the University of Toronto discovered that furanodienone (FDN), a compound in ginger, binds to the pregnane X receptor (PXR) to reduce colon inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
TEHRAN (ANA)- A daily orange might do more than boost immunity — it could also help prevent depression. Scientists discovered that citrus uniquely supports gut bacteria linked to serotonin and dopamine production, reducing depression risk by 20%.
TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers have found that the brain perceives pain more strongly when the perceived pain is out of alignment with reality, a research revealed.
TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers found that mothers were less likely to discourage fathers' involvement in parenting if the dads had taken more time off after their child was born.
TEHRAN (ANA)- Adding engineered human blood vessel-forming cells to islet transplants boosted the survival of the insulin-producing cells and reversed diabetes in a preclinical study led by Weill Cornell Medicine investigators.
TEHRAN (ANA)- A new study explores why do some people remember dreams in vivid detail while others recall nothing at all, finding that factors like sleep patterns, age, and cognitive tendencies play a significant role.