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Alzheimer’s Breakthrough: New Peptide Treatment Reverses Cognitive Decline

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough: New Peptide Treatment Reverses Cognitive Decline

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology have developed a synthetic peptide, PHDP5, that targets early-stage Alzheimer’s by ensuring the availability of dynamin for vesicle recycling in neurons, demonstrating significant restoration of memory and learning functions in transgenic mice.
Unveiling Molecular Mechanisms behind PTSD, Depression

Unveiling Molecular Mechanisms behind PTSD, Depression

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers from McLean Hospital and collaborating institutions have discovered shared and distinct molecular changes in brain regions, genomic layers, cell types, and blood of individuals with PTSD and MDD, offering new insights for therapeutic and diagnostic advancements.
Can Heart Damage Be Reversed?

Can Heart Damage Be Reversed?

TEHRAN (ANA)- Scientists have developed a method to regenerate heart muscle cells in mice, potentially offering new treatments for heart defects and heart attack recovery.
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