Iran to Utilize Biological Processing to Improve Quality of Food, Agricultural Products
Biological processes are used to convert dissolved biodegradable organic substances and colloidal material into inorganics and biological solids (biomass).
A biological process can also help in the decomposition of biodegradable waste with the help of microorganisms like fungi in addition to being clean, cost-effective, and safe, as it can reduce the amount of disposable waste.
The production of edible oil for food products (10 projects), fermented beverage (10 projects), the use of biological catalysts for producing bread, dairy, and other drinks (10 projects), packaging agricultural and food products with an export-oriented approach (200 projects), processing grains and cereals (20 projects), and processing meat, milk, and dairy (20 projects) are the prioritized projects.
Nowadays, the use of biological processing is rapidly growing in the world. The use of biocatalysts in bread production, extraction, purification, and esterification of edible oil, and dairy production are being used to improve the quality of food and agricultural products.