Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Develops Home-Made Iris Recognition System

Seyed Hossein Mirheidari, a member of the Board of Directors of Rivers Artificial Intelligence company, underlined that the growing need for greater security has led to the development of smart identity recognition systems based on human biometric characteristics.
“The iris recognition system uses the physiological or behavioral characteristics of any person to recognize his/her exact identity,” he added.
Mirheidari explained that in most cases, the iris of people's eyes remains unchanged after surgery and even blind people can be recognized by the device as long as their eyes have an iris, adding that the use of glasses or contact lenses does not interfere with the diagnosis process, and the Iran-made device can also be used in environments where glass or protective plastics are used.
Since the late 1990s, iris recognition technology has been used in banks and airports as a means of identity authentication. Today, its use is widespread in government facilities, schools/research centres, correctional/judicial facilities, healthcare and others. There are a number of reasons for its rising popularity, but first, a brief overview of the technology is in order.
Iris recognition measures the unique patterns in the coloured portion of the eye (the iris) and compares that ‘signature’ to the one on file in the system to verify and authenticate identity. The iris pattern has the most desirable properties for verification compared to other biometrics because of its uniqueness, stability over time and relatively easy accessibility. It also has the highest accuracy among all biometrics.