Iran Chooses Mode S Radar as Best Home-Made Project of Year

Nakhjavani noted that the design and construction of this monopulse secondary radar system is a big technological achievement for Iran’s aviation industry.
He said that the project has received a trophy for excellence from the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology.
The Iranian Airports and Air Navigation Company launched the project in 2019 in cooperation with Isfahan University of Technology, Nakhjavani said, adding that the radar system is currently in the installation phase at Abadan Airport.
Mode S is a Secondary Surveillance Radar process that allows selective interrogation of aircraft according to the unique 24-bit address assigned to each aircraft. Recent developments have enhanced the value of Mode S by introducing Mode S EHS (Enhanced Surveillance).
Mode S in its basic form has been standardized by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for many years. It employs ground-based interrogators and airborne transponders and operates in the same radio frequencies (1030/1090 MHz) as conventional SSR systems with which it is backwards compatible.
Mode S has been deployed because the historical SSR systems have reached the limit of their operational capability. This takes the form of exceeded maximum number of targets, RF pollution, lost targets, identity errors and Mode A code shortage. Mode S is therefore an essential development for both SSR and the new ATM processes which will be essential in airspace subject to high levels of traffic density or absence of ATC radar coverage.