Soil Fertility with Iran-Produced Biological Fertilizers of Algae Origin

According to the Iranian Vice-Presidency for Sciences and Technology’s news service, Hamid Donyaei Darian, a member of the board of directors of the Iranian knowledge-based company, said that enriching soil is necessary for synthesis of nutrients and conduction of them to the plant.
“Soil enrichment eliminates the negative effects resulted from the imbalance of some plant nutrients in the soil and improves water absorption activity,” the researcher said.
Studies available online say that soil enrichment is a fertilizer catalyst that makes fertilizer more efficient by conditioning the soil to allow more nutrients into the grass and improve grass health. It creates a stronger and healthier root system so that the grass can better withstand stress.
“Algae is the most nutrient-dense food in the world. It has the most absorbable plant-based protein, which has all the strong and effective chemicals that a plant has such as beta-carotene. The beta-carotene obtained from them is up to 10 times more effective than the normal beta-carotene against cancer, the researcher said.
Algae plays a very effective role in feeding livestock, poultry and aquatic animals, and increases the quality of meat products in the food industry as food supplements. It acts as an energy source in producing fertilizers.
Algae is also used in producing hydrogen. in addition to their role in controlling pollution and wastewater treatment plants, it can be used in producing medicines and cosmetics.
Donyaei Darian further noted that the biological fertilizers save the country a hefty amount of money by meeting the domestic needs.