Official: South Pars Providing 73 Percent of Iran’s Gas

“Today, the complex is producing 73% of the country’s gas,” said Saeed Heidari, the commercial manager of the South Pars Gas Complex.
He highlighted that over 95% of the strategic parts and equipment needed for the South Pars Gas Complex refineries have now been localized.
“We expect that, with the excellent cooperation of domestic manufacturers and producers, this capability will reach 100% this year,” Heidari said.
He added that in collaboration with 120 domestic and new technology-based firms (NTBFs), over 11,500 essential equipment data-x-items and goods have been localized for the South Pars refineries.
Heidari stated that domestic manufacturers have consistently proven to be a strong pillar of support for the South Pars Gas Complex.
He emphasized that the complex’s management has prioritized leveraging the capabilities of knowledge-based companies and domestic manufacturers.
As a result, more than 11,589 key goods and equipment required for the refineries in this major gas complex have been localized, breaking the monopoly of foreign countries in supplying these items.
He added that refineries across the South Pars Gas Complex are now collaborating with over 120 NTBFs, production firms, and first-time manufacturers in commercial, research, and production fields to supply critical parts and equipment for the 13 refineries.
According to the commercial manager, the complex is currently executing contracts for the production of 160 strategic goods and equipment this year, relying on the expertise and capabilities of Iranian youth.
Heidari noted that some of these companies operate as consortia, with which the complex has contracts in various fields.
He added, “In addition, we have direct collaborations with science and technology parks, which include several entities. We hope to continue this path extensively through systematic measures in upcoming programs.”
He emphasized that the utilization of Iranian companies and manufacturers’ capabilities to support continuous and sustainable production has been welcomed by this major gas complex in the country and the Middle East.
This approach has played a significant role in this year’s major maintenance operations, improving the quality of maintenance in the 13 refineries.
Heidari further stated that, due to efforts in the rotating equipment sector, the technical knowledge of turbo-expanders and cold boxes, previously held by four to five companies from Japan, the US, China, and several European countries, has been fully localized.