Iranian Researchers Produce Toothpaste for Diabetics
9:21 - September 26, 2024

Iranian Researchers Produce Toothpaste for Diabetics

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company produced the first toothpaste for the diabetics by using local plants with the aim of reducing the complications of diabetes like dry mouth and bleeding gums.
News ID : 7080

“Our knowledge-based company has recently unveiled the first toothpaste for the diabetics in Asia and Africa,” Seyed Hamid Nazer, the managing director of the knowledge-based company, told ANA.

“This product has been designed by using three native Iranian plants, including phalsa, walnut skin and black seed and is specially optimized to reduce the complications of diabetes like dry mouth and bleeding gums,” he added.

Noting that similar products in the US and Europe are only strengthening and not curative or preventive, Nazer said, “This toothpaste has been developed specifically for diabetics and we have used special sweeteners in this toothpaste.”

In a relevant development in May, experts at an Iranian pharmaceutical company have managed to produce an oral combined drug that help keep blood glucose levels at goal in people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a common condition that causes the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood to become too high. It is mainly the result of two problems: cells in muscle, fat and the liver become resistant to insulin. As a result, the cells don't take in enough sugar. The pancreas can't make enough insulin to keep blood sugar levels within a healthy range.

 "TRYTIS which is tablet combined of metformin, empagliflozin and linagliptin with three different mechanisms of action, reduces blood sugar in diabetic patients. In the production of this drug, a combination of slow release technology and rapid release of active ingredients of the drug has been used for optimal and long-term control of blood sugar in diabetic patients,” Reza Karimi Mostofi, the managing director of a knowledge-based ActoverCo pharmaceutical company based in Alborze Province next to the capital Tehran, said.

“At least 11% of the country's population over 20 years of age suffer from diabetes, and nearly half of the sufferers are not aware of their disease. Today, the use of combination drugs with the lowest number of tablets taken per day and with high effectiveness has created a great evolution in the control of diabetes and increased the success of the treatment,” Karimi Mostofi said.

“Empagliflozin in TRYTIS tablets will reduce mortality rate resulting from the complications of cardiovascular diseases, heart failure or diabetic kidney diseases. Taking this drug in diabetics can reduce the risk of problems related to cardiovascular and kidney failure,” he explained.




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