Top News of Last Week with ANA
8:59 - July 22, 2024

Top News of Last Week with ANA

TEHRAN (ANA)- Find the news, features, articles, videos and more about the latest scientific and technological advances in Iran and other world countries in the past week (July 15-21) on ANA.
News ID : 6593

Azad News Agency (ANA) published a number of scientific and technological news during the past week whose top ones are as follows: 

Iran-Made Smart Platform Monitors Errors in Online Systems of Banks

Iranian engineers at a knowledge-based company developed an intelligent platform for troubleshooting systems which enables the user to root out errors created in the online banking systems.

“The product, named Moe’in, is a comprehensive platform that enjoys the capability to monitor all hardware equipment and software technologies in online systems. By using this platform, the necessary warning can be given as soon as possible,” said Saeed Zhiyani, a senior expert at the knowledge-based company.

Noting that this method can eliminate the downtime (when a website or web service is not available online), he said, “This platform with its error detection capability allows complete use of online systems 24 hours, 7 days of the week.”

“One of the features of this platform is troubleshooting. Unlike similar external troubleshooting software in which we have to use specific components and tools for each technology in an isolated manner, this platform has over 100 types of technologies and the user can fully configure the system components and services within this platform and define a debugger platform so that when the system encounters an error, it will be rooted out,” Zhiyani said.

Iranian Researchers Produce Ingestible Sensors to Monitor Cattle Health Condition

Technologists at one of the companies located at the Science and Technology Park of Amirkabir University of Technology in Tehran have produced ingestible bio-sensors to give information about the health condition of the cattle.

“One of our products is a sensor that can be swallowed by heavy cattle. This sensor sticks to the animal's rumen after being swallowed,” said Nahal Tabrizi, the director of the technology company in an interview with local Iranian media.

“This sensor sends information such as animal body temperature, estrous time, animal pregnancy, amount of water and feed consumption to the operator from inside the animal's body,” she said.

Tabrizi stated that the bio-sensor operates through a battery and emphasized that the battery can last for five years. “A dairy animal can live for five years and after that the animal is slaughtered. It is possible to reuse this sensor, but we recommend not to.”

“The reader of this sensor is installed at the entrance gate of the animals in their place of storage and it is possible to read the sensor up to a distance of one and a half meters,” she went on to say.

Iranian Company Finds New Method to Treat Industrial Wastewater

Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company used a new method to purify industrial wastewater with no need to filters.

“We were able to make an industrial wastewater treatment device in our company which does not need filters,” Amin Afshar, the director of the research and development department of the knowledge-based company, told ANA.

“In this innovative method no filter is used and only microwave, ultrasonic and UV technologies are used and the device can be used endlessly until it breaks,” he added.

Afshar explained that when the water is discharged it absorbs pollution and after that when the water is charged, it no longer absorbs pollution, adding that the ions in the water turn into elements and are deposited, and therefore, no filter is needed.

“If you inject 10 liters of water, the device returns the whole of it fully purified and only gives out solid particles as dry matter,” he noted.

Iran-Made Level Gauge Sensors Meet Needs of Refineries

Specialists of an Iranian knowledge-based company succeeded in reverse engineering and indigenization of the sensors for level gauges, one of the key equipment needed in the oil and gas industry.

“In a company active in the field of oil and gas, we reverse engineered one of the key equipment of the oil industry. The complex equations that were used in the design of this equipment required a combination of several different parameters to achieve a final result. Relying on the knowledge and expertise of our team, we managed to discover and solve these equations,” said Monireh Parsa, the managing director of the knowledge-based company.

“This equipment is a level gauge sensor that works by immersion and using a trig tube. As one of the methods of measuring the height of the fluid, unlike the buoyancy model, the submersion method is very complicated, but its low sensitivity to density and lack of influence from fluid vapors has made it one of the most widely-used methods in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries. The immersion sensor made by Shahrah Mechatronic Pars company is suitable for the market and application,” she added.

“This product has been manufactured for the first time in Iran and at present, it is used in refineries, petrochemicals and other industries,” Parsa noted.

Iran Launches 1st Nat’l Center for Designing Microchips

Iranian Vice-President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy Rouhollah Dehqani in a ceremony inaugurated the first national center for designing microchips.

The first national microchip design center was launched to boost the development of technologies and prototypes for diverse chip applications.

Established to facilitate factory-free design, this center aims to domestically create an array of chips within a 500-square-meter facility divided into three distinct sections.

The center is also adept at managing international chip design projects and training chip designers, assembly professionals, and software production experts. Moreover, it fosters the development of knowledge-based products originating from locally designed chips.

Iranian Specialists Design Smart Pet-Feeding System

Iranian experts at Islamic Azad University’s Gorgan branch succeeded in designing and making a smart feeding system for pets.

“We succeeded in designing and manufacturing a smart drinking device for pets,” Omid Farhadi, the manager of a technological company stationed at Islamic Azad University’s Gorgan branch, told ANA.

“The smart pet drinking device, named Pet Noush, is an intelligent device for providing water needed by pets at any time of the day and night. It has a presence detection sensor and when the pet approaches it, it starts working and provides the needed water to the pet. It is equipped with a filter to purify water from suspended particles and consumes little amount of electricity (9 volts),” he added.

Farhadi described the smart pet feeder as another product of his company, and said, “It is an MVP model and has been designed and built to mechanize the process of feeding pets. The device has a tank for placing dry food and is equipped with Wi-Fi and a mobile app to adjust the food schedule for pets, and thus, by using these two devices, the pet owners will be sure of feeding their pets during their absence.”

Iranian Researchers Studying Different Methods to Produce Dengue Fever Vaccine

Iranian scientists are making strenuous efforts to study different methods to find an effective vaccine for the dengue fever, a viral infection that spreads from mosquitoes to people.

Parviz Shayan, the head of the center for studying ticks and diseases transmitted by them, emphasized the production of dengue fever vaccine at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of University of Tehran, saying, “The Biotechnology Research Center of the University of Medical Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Army and the Research Institute of Molecular Biological System Transfer (MBST) are trying to apply biotechnology methods to improve the capability of molecular diagnosis in the country.”

Although the most common way to prevent viral diseases is the injection of a vaccine, according to experts, the injection of the dengue vaccine is only for those who have been once infected with this disease.

Mohammedreza Nazer, an Iranian specialist in infectious and tropical diseases, explained that although one of the ways to prevent dengue fever is vaccination, it is prescribed for people who have been infected with the disease once, but people who have not been infected and receive the injection will get the fatal type of the disease.

Iran-Made Automatic Tourniquet Stops, Reduces Blood Flow during Surgery

Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company designed and produced an automatic tourniquet which can stop or decrease the blood flow during surgery.

“The automatic tourniquet is a digital device that can maintain the regulatory pressure on the patient's limb for a set period of time by means of control circuits and air pressure which will stop the blood flow and facilitate the surgical process,” Massoud Soroush, the production manager of the knowledge-based company, told ANA.

Noting that stopping the patient's blood flow is important during different surgeries, he said, “The single-port digital tourniquet device allows the user to adjust the pressure and duration and cut off the patient's blood flow with special cuffs that are tied around the limb to perform surgery on the limb. This tourniquet is also equipped with warning alarms that alert the user after the set time expires.”

“The maximum pressure of the device is up to 500 mm of mercury, and based on the international standard law, the maximum allowable pressure is 300 mm of mercury. The single-port digital tourniquet device can be used with a battery and this device can be used for as long as the patient needs to be transported to the treatment center without injury,” Soroush said.

Iranian Company Produces Pressure Infusion Bag to Accelerate Blood Transfusion

A knowledge-based company in Iran succeeded in designing and producing a pressure infusion bag which speeds up blood transfusion.

“The blood pressure infusion bag is one of the products of our company that speeds up blood transfusion. This device is completely digital. It has a special cuff called pressure infusion cuff, which is connected to the device by connecting tubes,” Massoud Soroush, the production manager of a knowledge-based company, told ANA.

Noting that the device is used for trauma patients who have lost a lot of blood, he said, “The blood is injected into the patient’s bosy with very high pressure, and it is also used for patients who need cardiopulmonary resuscitation.”

“In the past, blood bags were injected into the patient with large syringes and with very high pressure, but in that situation, red blood cells were injected into the patient's body with extreme pressure, and the so-called hemolysis, i.e. the destruction of red blood cells, occurred as a result of improper blood transfusion,” Soroush said.

“As a result, only a red liquid was injected to the patient and it did not have the necessary efficiency, but when this device is used, the pressure can be adjusted up to one millimeter of mercury and the blood is transferred correctly,” Soroush said.

Iran to Hold Technology Olympiad Late in October

A technology Olympiad aimed at identification of technologists in 5 specialized fields is due to be held in Iran on October 22-28.

The Technology Olympics event is a standard platform to identify the best technology talents in the country to introduce and use them in different projects.

The annual holding of technology Olympiad competitions in Iran promotes various fields of technology through these competitions. Those interested in these fields should test their level of technical knowledge in these competitions and increase it. These top talents are used to advance knowledge-based projects in the country.

The Technology Olympiad includes the 5 main fields of artificial intelligence, programming, cyber security, robotics and drones.

The face-to-face competition will be held at the Pardis Science and Technology Park near Tehran on October 22 to 28, and it is expected that in each league (out of a total of more than 17 leagues in various technical fields), over 150 people (more than 2000 people in total) will participate in the competition.

Iranian Scientists Make DNA Extraction Kit from Saliva

Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company succeeded in making a kit which extracts DNA from saliva and enjoys a stabilizer solution to prolong the saliva’s stability for high-quality DNA.

Abolfazl Motahhari, the managing director of the knowledge-based company, said that the most common way of DNA extraction is by using blood cells, adding, “This method is difficult for elderly patients, pregnant mothers, infants and young children, and sometimes it happens with difficulty and it is more difficult for the patients whose blood clots quickly or those who have anemia.”

He described extraction of the DNA from oral saliva as an alternative method for this problem, noting, “Since the mouth is full of bacteria, the extracted oral saliva is contaminated, and the amount of bacteria present should be reduced during a certain process and by washing, and then by using a stabilization kit, saliva can be kept stable at room temperature for a certain period of time so that laboratories can have high-quality DNA.”

Motahhari also referred to another product of the company, saying that it is an insulated chamber incubator that is used in biological laboratories for the cultivation and growth of living samples like cells, microbes, incubating eggs and spermatozoa.

He added that the PLT01 device is another product of his company which has a heating system by using fluid heat transfer and is applied for melting and heating the liquids in laboratory bags or bottles that are intended for medical transfer or injection in living tissues, and these fluids are usually whole blood, blood products, plasma and other injection solutions.

Iranian Inventor Makes Plastic Scintillators with Medical, Industrial, Research Applications

A PhD student of Islamic Azad University’s Central Tehran branch succeeded in making plastic scintillators with medical, industrial and research applications.

Laleh Younesi, a PhD student in nuclear engineering, majoring in radiation medicine, completed her thesis entitled ‘investigation of the effect of fluorescence compounds in the formulation on the scintillation behavior of plastic and the effect of aging on it’.

“Considering the importance of plastic scintillators as radiation detectors and the polymer base of these detectors, I started research on them. Scintillators are used as the most important radiation detectors in a wide range of different medical, industrial and research applications,” she told ANA.

“Organic plastic scintillators are widely used in industry and medicine due to their relatively lower manufacturing cost, appropriate strength, ability to withstand environmental conditions, fast decay time, proximity of their effective atomic number to body tissue, and easy shaping,” Younesi said.

Knowledge-Based Company in Iran Produces Infertility Treatment Devices, Equipment

A knowledge-based company in Iran has successfully produced DNA extraction and purification kits from saliva and a variety of cell culture equipment and consumables for infertility treatment in vitro fertilization (IVF) laboratories.

According to a report by the website of the Iranian Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, Seyed Abolfazl Motahari, the CEO of the knowledge-based company, pointed to using blood cells as the most common way of DNA extraction, explaining, “This method is difficult for elderly patients, pregnant mothers, infants and young children, and sometimes it takes place with difficulty. This difficulty is much greater for patients whose blood clots quickly or those who have anemia.”

Motahari went on to describe the insulated chamber incubator that is used in biological laboratories for the cultivation and growth of live samples such as cells or microbes and for incubating eggs and spermatozoa (sperm), saying, “A desktop incubator consists of 11 separate culture chambers and a larger heating chamber.”

According to him, the PLT01 device has a heating system using fluid heat transfer, which is used to melt and heat liquids in laboratory bags or bottles that are intended for medical transfer or injection into living tissues, adding that these fluids are usually whole blood, blood products, plasma and other injection solutions.

First Plant to Manufacture Civilian Drones Inaugurated in Eastern Iran

The head of the Ultra-Light Drone Group of Iran Civil Aviation Organization (CAO) said that the first plant to build civilian drones was inaugurated in the Eastern part of Iran.

These drones help the reduction of 90% of water consumption and 30% of pesticide or solution consumption in agriculture, Mehdi Qaranli said.

He added that the homemade civilian drone’s price is 25% cheaper than the foreign samples.

The official noted that Simorq-S20 is an unmanned vehicle applicable in the field of agriculture and has been designed and manufactured upon an initiative by the expert engineers of a knowledge-based company based in Mashhad, Khorassan Razavi province.

He added the CAO has banned and restricted the import of various types of civilian drones into the country aimed at supporting the domestic knowledge-based companies active in the field of making civilian drones.



Tags: Iran science tech
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