Iran Launches 1st Nat’l Center for Designing Microchips

Iran Launches 1st Nat’l Center for Designing Microchips

TEHRAN (ANA)- Iranian Vice-President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy Rouhollah Dehqani in a ceremony inaugurated the first national center for designing microchips.
News ID : 6507

The first national microchip design center was launched to boost the development of technologies and prototypes for diverse chip applications.

Established to facilitate factory-free design, this center aims to domestically create an array of chips within a 500-square-meter facility divided into three distinct sections.

The center is also adept at managing international chip design projects and training chip designers, assembly professionals, and software production experts. Moreover, it fosters the development of knowledge-based products originating from locally designed chips.

Microchips are made by building up layers of interconnected patterns on a silicon wafer. The microchip manufacturing process involves hundreds of steps and can take up to four months from design to mass production.

The process of making a computer chip begins with the purification of the silicon. Once the silicon cylinders are finished, they are cut into strips. Each cylinder is made of a series of layers. These layers are stacked one on top of each other, creating a computer chip.

Silicon is the material of choice in the chip industry. Unlike the metals normally used to conduct electrical currents, silicon is a 'semiconductor', meaning that its conductive properties can be increased by mixing it with other materials such as phosphorus or boron.



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