Top News of Last Week with ANA
9:09 - June 24, 2024

Top News of Last Week with ANA

TEHRAN (ANA)- Find the news, features, articles, videos and more about the latest scientific and technological advances in Iran and other world countries in the past week (June 17-23) on ANA.
News ID : 6354

Azad News Agency (ANA) published a number of scientific and technological news during the past week whose top ones are as follows: 

Iranian Scientists Produce Diesel, Black Carbon from Sewage

Iranian researchers at Tehran Wastewater Company managed to produce diesel and black carbon from the dewatered sludge in the wastewater treatment process of the capital's treatment plants.

Abbas Ali Mesrzadeh, the managing director of Tehran Wastewater Company, stated that carbon black is used as a raw material for industries, specially the rubber industry, and said, “Making this product in the wastewater treatment process can prevent environmental pollution and generate income and added value from a product that has been harmful to the environment so far.”

“This year, the sewage company's plan is to convert 120 tons of sludge daily into diesel and carbon black, which can be used in the heating system of refineries and related facilities, and carbon black can be sold in the stock market as a raw material for industries,” he added.

Noting that sewage is considered a source of pollution and a threat to human societies at the first glance, Mesrzadeh said, “A good thing that happens in the controlled and hygienic sewage collection projects and plans is that the threat of sewage turns into an opportunity.”

Iranian Experts Improve Quality of Oil Products with Advanced Tests

Specialists of a knowledge-based company deigned and produced advanced laboratory equipment and used efficient methods to test and improve the quality of oil derivatives.

Hamed Savari, the managing director of the knowledge-based company, explained that the activities of his company are focused on production of equipment and provide advanced testing services for lubricants, adding, “Our knowledge-based company was established with the aim of developing technology in the chemical, petroleum and petrochemical industries, and as a new knowledge-based company, it operates advanced machinery and equipment for testing petroleum products like gas chromatograph and X-ray machine.”

“Various products like gasoline, naphtha, diesel, different solvents, lubricants like engine oil, gear oil, hydraulic oil, base oil, types of grease, etc., are tested in the company by using advanced equipment and efficient laboratory methods,” he added.

“We are also active in providing engineering services and quantitative and qualitative monitoring, preparation and compilation of formulations based on the nature of the products, synthesis and production of nanoparticles and nanofluids for application in different industries, sweetening the oil products, and designing and building the semi-industrial units,” Savari said.

Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Produces Computer Power Supply Unit (PSU) with 7-Year Warranty

A group of engineers at a knowledge-based company in Iran have launched production of computer parts and equipment such as power supply unit (PSU) which are offered to the market with seven years of warranty.

“Case, power, mouse, keyboard, all-in-one personal computers (AIO PC) or desktop computers and motherboard are some the products of this company,” Kavan Morovati, one of the technicians in the knowledge-based company that manufactures computer parts in Iran said in an interview with local Iranian media.

Saying that their products have been produced in three categories of office, gaming and economical, the company’s technician added, “The motherboard produced in this company was designed after studying weaknesses of the existing products in the market. Among its disadvantages, we can mention the number of its MOSFETs. The MOSFET supplies power to the CPU and the higher their number, the higher the CPU output.”

Morovati described H510 mk, H610 mk, B560 md and B620 md among the models of motherboards produced in their company and pointed out, “These motherboards support 10th to 14th generation for users. The company's H510 mk model, which is lowest model of produced motherboards, has obtained the first ranking of the benchmark and is higher than Asus.”

Emphasizing that the motherboards produced by their company have been commercialized in the country, he said, "The warranty of our products is a replacement. Also in case that any part or any of our products that has reached the customers and has a problem is 24 months to 7 years will be replaced with no excuse."

“For example, with respect to displays, less than 5 burned pixels will not be replaced, but even with one burnt pixel in our displays, the replacement will be done,” Morovati added.

“The power supplies units (PSU) produced by this company are made in a way that if the system encounters a problem in terms of hardware or software in overload mode, it will detect the system temperature and turns off the system according to the system temperature and power operation until the system temperature increase does not occur,” he said, adding, “This feature does not exist in other power supplies units and causes the power to burn.”

Iran, WHO to Cooperate to Eliminate Hepatitis C

Iran and the World Health Organization (WHO) are due to set up a joint working group and cooperate in elimination of hepatitis C.

Iranian Deputy Health Minister Hassan Farshidi, in a meeting with WHO’s Assistant Director General for Communicable and Noncommunicable Diseases Jerome Salomon,  underscored the establishment of a joint working group to eliminate hepatitis C.

The officials met on the sidelines of the 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) held in Geneva, Switzerland, from May 27 to June 1.

During the meeting, Farshidi presented a report on the measures taken in Iran to control and prevent hepatitis C and stressed the key strengths of Iran's national program, including the strong primary health care services (PHC) and the integration of the programs to fight and manage hepatitis.

Salomon, for his part, lauded Iran for its commitment and strong will in the elimination of hepatitis C and announced WHO’s readiness to support Iran's plans in this area.

He also called Iran a role model for other regional countries in the elimination and control of hepatitis C.

Iranian Researchers Offer Innovative Way to Desalinate Sea Water for Remote Areas

Researchers at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tehran have designed and offered an innovative environmentally-friendly system for supplying freshwater from the sea water to remote areas.

Ehsan Hooshfar, an Associate Professor of Energy Conversion at the University of Tehran (UT), was the executive director of the project to desalinate sea water and supply drinking water to remote areas.

“In this research, a new solution for desalination of sea water has been proposed, which is called Humidification-dehumidification or HDH for short, and is inspired by the process of rain production. In fact, the use of desalination systems for desalination of sea water, which is one of the conventional ways of supplying fresh water, is done in many ways each of which comes with pros and cons,” Hooshfar said.

“The advantage of the method introduced in this research is less energy consumption than other methods. It uses the waste heat produced by other systems,” the UT researcher said, adding, “In this research, an independent desalination unit using HDH, solar panels for simultaneous production of electricity and heat or hotovoltaic/thermal (PVT) solar hybrid system and compression chiller is proposed to provide stable water to remote areas that have access to sea water. The system operates in a way that is that the solar panel provides the electricity required for the chiller and the heat required for the HDH, and the incoming seawater is preheated by the condenser of the chiller. This way, the overall performance of the system in fresh water production is significantly improved.”

“Modeling of this system was done by using an artificial neural network trained for tri-objective optimization by employing a genetic algorithm. The goals of this optimization included maximizing fresh water production, minimizing costs, and maximizing system efficiency,” Hooshfar added.

“The results showed that this system is technically and economically competitive in producing fresh water with other desalination units for remote areas. Also, due to the correct choice of refrigerant and the use of renewable energy, it is environmentally friendly,” the UT professor added.

MBR Water Desalination System Unveiled at AbadIran Exhibition 

A domestically-produced Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) package for water treatment was unveiled at the second edition of the Abadiran exhibition held at Tehran's Grand Mossalla.

The water desalination package has been put into operation in an area in the suburb of Bandar Abbas port city next to the Persian Gulf. The machine, which was designed and built by Sharif Knowledge-Based Company, a company that operates in the field of water desalination, contains a Reverse Osmosis (RO) water desalination device which employs filtration and reverse osmosis filters to treat water. 

The package was unvelied in a ceremony during AbadIran exhibition in the presence of the Vice-President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy Rouhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi.

The wastewater treatment capacity of this package is 140 cubic meters per day. Meanwhile, its desalination capacity is 75 cubic meters per day. The MBR technology was possessed by only 5 countries in the world, and with the help of the knowledge-based company, Iran now has been put on the list of the countries that possess such a technology.

Iranian Company Makes Special Products for Blind, Visually Impaired People

Iranian specialists at a company design and produce innovative rehabilitation equipment for low vision and blind people, including chess, visual wristwatches and digital magnifiers, by using state-of-the-art technology.

“Our company is a supplier of innovative equipment for the visually-impaired and blind people. It is important to us to always look for new and up-to-date equipment in the world to take a big step in meeting the needs of our clients,” Maryam Sakhayee, the managing director of the company, told ANA.

“Our company has made products like walking sticks, digital magnifiers, intuitive wristwatches, blood pressure monitors, and heart monitors, and other products like intuitive calculators, intuitive wristwatches, etc.,” she added.

“Also, special toys for the blind like chess, ludo, sudoku and other data-x-items have been designed and produced by our company,” Sakhayee said.

Specialists Make System to Monitor Efforts to Improve Deprived Regions in Iran

Iranian experts at a knowledge-based company developed a special system called ‘Deprivation Radar’ which is used to monitor efforts to settle problems in the deprived areas of different parts of provinces, cities and villages of Iran.

“In general, we make two types of activities; the first category of activities is in the field of image processing and the second category is activities in the field of services,” said Mohammad Saeed Qassemi, the managing director of the knowledge-based company.

“One of the special services that we have offered is ‘Deprivation Radar’. This system monitors deprivation in different parts of provinces, cities and villages of Iran,” he added.

“The next step is the smart allocation of resources from a pool of financial and non-financial resources based on prioritization with the help of artificial intelligence to the deprived region,” Qassemi said.

Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Produces Shrimp Larvae Counting Machine

Experts at a knowledge-based company based in the Science and Technology Park of Markazi Province in Iran have managed to design and produce a shrimp larva counting machine using locally developed know-how and technology.

“Our product, the shrimp larva counting machine, is considered as one of the important needs of the fisheries industry. This product had been requested by the shrimp farmers to the fisheries organization for years,” said Farzin Nadi, the Managing Director of Pishtaz Pardezesh Saray Jonoub Rooz, knowledge-based company told ANA in an interview.

“Due to the challenges and complexities of this device as well as the high prices of its foreign-made counterparts, its domestic model was designed and produced by our company's experts,” he added.

He added that because in the fishery market, buying and selling shrimp larvae is done through counting the number of larvae, therefore counting the larvae is of great importance.

Nadi also said that knowing the number of available aquatics is one of the most important information that a shrimp and aquatic animals breeder should have access to, because it is based on that the amount of feeding, control of water parameters, payment of purchase and sale fees is determined.

Irrigation Hardware, Software System Unveiled on Last Day of AbadIran Exhibition

A hardware and software system for irrigation , which has been designed and produced by one of the knowledge-based companies in Iran, was unveiled on the last day of the AbadIran exhibition in the Northern part of the capital city of Tehran.

During a ceremony on the last day of the second edition of AbadIran exhibition, held on June 11-14 at Tehran's Mossalla (Grand Mosque) which was attended by a number of Iranian officials, Ryan Arvin Algorithm knowledge-based company unveiled its hardware and software tools for irrigation.

“This product is a special hardware and software system for irrigation on farms. It does a systematic integration for farmers and they can see all the fields in one panel,” Mohammad Javad Motahari Sharif, the founder of the knowledge base company said about their product.

Pointing out that the system notifies the farmer of the best watering time and the exact amount of water to the plants, he added, “This will reduce the water consumption rate and water stress of the plant.”

“Also, this system optimizes fertilizer use, meaning that usually during fertilizing, due to high water consumption, the fertilizer leaves the root area, but with this system 40% less water consumption happens therefore the fertilizer could be used optimally. Moreover, with prevention of water stress, the crops performance and quality would enhance,” Motahari Sharif explained.

Iranian Researchers Design, Produce New Nano Insulator to Assist Under-Developed Areas

Researchers at one of the companies located in the Science and Technology Park of Markazi Province have designed and produced reasonably-priced nano insulators that can replace bituminous waterproofing.

“Nano insulators are a suitable substitute for bituminous waterproofing. These insulators last for a long time and are very easy to use. They do not need a flame or any special conductor and are highly resistant against humidity. Ordinary people, even women, can use it simply and without any expertise by studying the manual of the products. Our product, which has a long shelf life, is also resistant against the sunlight and reasonably priced,” said Ali Jamshidi, the managing director of the company.

“This insulator is milky in color and becomes colorless after use. It can also be used to build swimming pools, fountains, ponds, roofs, toilets, building facades, stone, brick, mosaic, straw, plaster, cement, wood and fabric,” he added.

“Currently, the country's low-income people cannot afford expensive insulators. One liter of this product is available for sale in the market at the price of 60,000 to 70,000 Tomans,” the researcher said, adding, “The price of this product is almost one euro per liter which in comparison with the imported materials, is almost six euros cheaper." 

“Currently, by exporting this product to countries like Iraq and Armenia, we have been able to generate good amount of revenues for the country. This year, we were able to sell as much as five billion Tomans of these products to foreign markets,” Jamshidi added.

“We intend to increase our production line and the amount of production of equipment as well as exports,” the managing director of the company concluded.

Iranian Company Makes 3D Printers for Producing Gold, Jewelry

A technological company in Iran has succeeded in manufacturing 3D printers which reduce the cost of production of jewelry and gold accessories.

The technological company, stationed at the incubator center of Islamic Azad University’s Tabriz branch, has manufactured 3D printers in the fields of goldsmithing, dentistry and modeling, a report said. 

“Among the achievements of our company, we can mention the indigenization of certain 3D printing technologies with specific technical specifications and presentation of innovations that have promoted this industry and are now being emulated by other industrial activists,” Shahriar Nezakat, the managing director of ‘Kohan Sanatgaran Khallag’ company, told ANA.

“The development and production of 3D printing machines, related machines, peripheral equipment and consumables are among our activities. Also, among the products currently being produced by our company, we can mention 3D printers with DLP and LCD technology, ultra-precise casting resins, and post processing devices,” he added.

Noting that his company has successfully completed the research and development stages of the 3D printer with SLM technology, Nezakat said, “We hope to produce the prototype of this product, whose technology is in the hands of a few countries like the US and Germany, soon.”

Iranian Company Indigenizes 3-Phase 500-MVA Supertransformer

The Iranian experts at a knowledge-based company succeeded in manufacturing a three-phase integrated 500MVA (Megavolt Ampere) supertransformer for the country’s power grid.

“This giant supertransformer is about 14 meters long, 9 meters wide, and 10 meters high, and weighs over 335 tons, and it replaces three single-phase transformers which saves about 60% of the space required for placing transformers in the substation and prevents 70% of network no-load losses,” said Mehdi Sadeqi, the managing director of the knowledge-based company.

He added that the knowledge-based product will also reduce post construction costs and facilitate the operation and monitoring process.

Sadeqi underlined that construction of the transformer started in the presence of the Iranian Energy Minister during the 23rd International Electricity Industry Exhibition in Tehran last year.

“Despite the significant complications in calculations and design of this supertransformer, we reached the testing and unveiling state within six months,” he noted.

Iranian Researchers Recycle Wastewater for Fish Farming, Poultry Breeding, Greenhouse Products

The water recycling system and the use of wastewater in the three fields of fish breeding, greenhouse products and poultry breeding is the achievement of one of the knowledge-based companies.

At present, the company produces 12 tons of fish, 20 tons of tomatoes, 3 tons of quail meat, and 9 tons of quail eggs with a 95% reduction in annual water consumption.

By recirculating water and reusing the effluents of the three areas of fish breeding, greenhouse products and poultry, the problems of all three areas like mechanical equipment, food supplements and reinforcing fertilizers are settled.

In this project, the amount of consumed water is reduced by 95%, but the amount of fish production will be equal to similar ponds. In this method, the pool water will return to the hydroponic greenhouse culture bed, and the cost of greenhouse production will be reduced by a third before operation and during operation.

In this cycle, water is oxygenated, and since chemical fertilizers cannot be used to grow plants, they use animal manure and quail excrement. In fact, animal excrement supplies the level of chemical deficiencies of water, and the excrement solution is regulated based on the nutrition of quails.




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