VR Technology Used in Iran to Diagnose Psychological Disorders

VR Technology Used in Iran to Diagnose Psychological Disorders

TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers in Iran have succeeded in designing software that can identify psychological disorders with the help of virtual reality (VR) technology.
News ID : 6277

“Our company operates in the field of mental health. We have designed a software that can detect psychological disorders of people like the lack of concentration and memory with the help of virtual reality by using a 3D simulator. When people with these disorders put the device on their heads, the software can analyze their mental structure based on virtual reality,” said Saeed Yousefi, the executive director of a knowledge-based company.

Noting that the device can be used for people over six years old, he said, “This product is more a game, and doctors use this software to find out the disorder of the patients. By using this software, professionals can observe and control what the client experienced during the session. The therapist can also adjust each process based on the needs of each client.”

Yousefi explained that the software is used in clinics for clients with hyperactivity disorder, children with learning disorders, children with high-functioning autism, cognitive and motor rehabilitation of the elderly, increasing attention, memory and hand-eye coordination of the healthy people, and in hospitals to reduce anxiety before surgery, adding, “It is suitable for reducing pain and anxiety after surgery, delivery, sampling, painful procedures, changing dressings for wounds and burns, cognitive and motor rehabilitation after stroke, and making the patient's stay in hospital enjoyable.”

In another development in February, an Iranian technologist had also announced designing and development of rehabilitation software with the ability to use virtual reality cameras.

“The software has been designed for application in the field of physical and mental rehabilitation and is used to increase attention, strengthen memory, boost hand-eye coordination, perceptual-motor skills or physical rehabilitation like walking,” Mohammad Reza Oshaqi told ANA.

He noted that one of the important features of the software is the possibility of continuous monitoring of the treatment process and reporting at the end of each use of the software, adding it is possible to determine how the person's progress has been.

“Individual-oriented nature is another feature of this software; for instance, for a normal student who may only have attention deficit or another student who has a learning disorder, the software smartly considers appropriate cognitive exercises to improve that function,” Oshaqi said.

“This technology can also be used in children with autism in mild spectrums, and it is also used in the treatment of attention deficit disorder or hyperactivity in adults, in elderly people to preserve the cognitive capacities of the brain, and also in stroke patients to rehabilitate cognitive function,” he added.




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