MBR Water Desalination System Unveiled at AbadIran Exhibition

TEHRAN (ANA)- A domestically-produced Membrane Bio Reactor (MBR) package for water treatment was unveiled at the second edition of the Abadiran exhibition held at Tehran's Grand Mossalla.
MBR Water Desalination System Unveiled at AbadIran Exhibition
The water desalination package has been put into operation in an area in the suburb of Bandar Abbas port city next to the Persian Gulf. The machine, which was designed and built by Sharif Knowledge-Based Company, a company that operates in the field of water desalination, contains a Reverse Osmosis (RO) water desalination device which employs filtration and reverse osmosis filters to treat water.
The package was unvelied in a ceremony during AbadIran exhibition in the presence of the Vice-President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy Rouhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi.
The wastewater treatment capacity of this package is 140 cubic meters per day. Meanwhile, its desalination capacity is 75 cubic meters per day. The MBR technology was possessed by only 5 countries in the world, and with the help of the knowledge-based company, Iran now has been put on the list of the countries that possess such a technology.
The second edition of Abadiran was held between June 11-14 in Tehran's Mossalla (Grand Mosque).