Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm Produces UAVs Equipped with Advanced Multispectral Sensors

The Iranian knowledge-based company displayed its UAVs equipped with advanced multispectral sensors at the Innovation and Technology Exhibition known as INOTEX, the latest edition of which was held from May 7 to 10, 2024 at Pardis Technology Park in Tehran with the participation of over 450 innovative and technological companies as exhibitors.
Mohammad Zainali, the managing director of the company that produces spraying and seeding drones, said on the sidelines of the INOTEX 2024 that their spraying UAVs have already been produced and commercialized. He said that the spraying drones can be equipped with sensors that can capture detailed images of fields, allowing for the identification of pest infestations before they become large-scale problems.
“Spraying drones have the possibility of spectrometry, map reading and finding the way as they are equipped with topography and navigation software.”
"In the spraying part, there are several nozzles. These drones are also equipped with several tanks," he added.
"The micrometer nozzles of these drones are capable of pulverizing poison seeds, and this increases the effectiveness of the drone in the spraying process," Zainali said.
The managing director of the knowledge-based company further pointed to the memorandums of understandings and implementation ofcooperation agreements with other companies and said, "So far, we have implemented about 100 projects across the country, most of which belonged to the private sector and farmers' agricultural lands."
He said that they sell the UAVs to the customers with manuals and other after-sales services.
He pointed to multi-spectral drones as the latest achievement of their company, adding, "We have been making multi-spectral drones for about a year. These drones are used to identify pest infestations on agricultural products."
Zainali pointed to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the construction of the new drones, saying that, "AI has been used in the processors and sensors of these drones."
The CEO of the knowledge-based company further announced plans for exporting seeding and spraying drones made by their company, saying that, "Now we are thinking of exporting these drones to Iraq."
As regard to the domestic markets for their their UAVS, Zainali said that Fars and Khuzestan provinces have been the major customers for those drones."