Top News of Last Week with ANA
9:01 - February 19, 2024

Top News of Last Week with ANA

TEHRAN (ANA)- Find the news, features, articles, videos and more about the latest scientific and technological advances in Iran and other world countries in the past week (February 12-18) on ANA.
News ID : 5217

Azad News Agency (ANA) published a number of scientific and technological news during the past week whose top ones are as follows:

Over 1.3 Billion Dollars of Knowledge-Based Products Exported from Iran in 7 Months

A senior Iranian official announced that more than $1.3 billion worth of products were exported by the knowledge-based companies of the country in the first seven months of the current Persian calendar year (to end on March 19, 2024).

Head of Iran’s International Science and Technology Interactions Cooperation Center Amir Hossein Mirabadi said that based on an official report by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA), over $1.3 billion worth of knowledge-based products was exported overseas from March 21, 2023 to October 22, 2023. 

He added that strengthening the activities of the knowledge-based companies and activating the private sector of the country in the field of economy have been among the blessings of the country which has led to the promotion of the capabilities of the country in the field of science and technology as one of the most important components in the international arena.

Mirabadi referred to the houses of innovation and technology (iHiT), which have created a suitable platform for knowledge-based companies to play a role in the international arena, and said the International Science and Technology Interactions Cooperation Center hosts a high-ranking delegation from different countries every week.

NIOC: Operationalization of 7 New Oil, Gas Projects to Generate $6b Wealth for Iran

The CEO of National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) has said when seven new oil and gas projects become operational, they will create some $6 billion income for the country.

Head of National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) Mohsen Khojasteh-Mehr made the remarks in a ceremony attended by oil minister Javad Owji to a inaugurate the projects during his visit to the Southwestern oil-rich province of Khuzestan.

The NIOC chairman also said that the seven projects are a part of the oil ministry’s plan for a leap in production.

According to Khojasteh-Mehr, the launch of the seven projects will add 150,000 barrels of crude oil and 28 million cubic meters (mcm) of natural gas to Iran’s total daily production.

He went on to say that renovation of Qale Naar pipeline, Shadegan pipeline, Ahvaz desalination unit, increase in Cheshmeh Khosh, Dalpari, and East Paydar fields’ production, start of Sohrab joint oil field, drilling 60 wells in the South Azadegan field, and launch of the new offshore pipeline of Phase 16 of the South Pars gas field were the projects that were going be to inaugurated by the oil minister.

He further stated that, “In total, about $800 million will be invested in the Sohrab joint field, which will increase its production to 30,000 barrels.”

Knowledge-Based Firm Designs First Offline Operator in Iran

A knowledge-based company has succeeded in designing the first offline operator in Iran which operates in the form of ‘USSD’ codes.

“Our knowledge-based company has offered the country's first offline operator that operates in the form of USSD codes,” said Mojtaba Rahmani, the managing director of the knowledge-based company.

Noting that the USSD codes have existed in our country for a long time, he said, “We created a series of new technologies in these codes so that we can provide a combination of online and offline services. These codes are smart and can create a two-way communication bridge for all economic activities in Iran.”

“The technological product uses artificial intelligence. USSD codes work intelligently and enjoy the capability to identify the audiences. Commands were recorded on each code and the applicant will receive that particular command when requests the code,” Rahmani said.

Knowledge-Based Firm in Iran Launches New Irrigation System

Experts at a knowledge-based company in Iran operating in the field of designing and implementing new irrigation systems have managed to design a "new irrigation system" for controllable water resources.

Mehdi Gheysari, the managing director of an Iranian knowledge-based company said that the important point about the new integrated irrigation system designed by their firm is that “it has more of a strong economic infrastructure for farmers".

Gheysari said that what makes the new irrigation system for agricultural lands stand out among its rivals is that it can be launched anywhere, anytime for any crop and in any climatic conditions.

“One of the most important features of this system, which may be considered a shortcoming is the lack of applicability for lands that do not have controllable water resources,” the managing director of the company highlighted.

“This system processes date related to soil, water, plants, atmosphere and irrigation system in an integrated manner. Without the farmer needing to install or build equipment and devices, the whole process of integrated agricultural land management is done,” he continued to explain about how the new irrigation system operates.

The knowledge-based researcher further stated that the new irrigation system can be used by all people and farmers, even by those who do not have any special knowledge of the digital world.

“This system is even for a farmer or a land owner who has no knowledge of using a smartphone. It is very easy to use. The user can simply enter the system and enters his data in three steps.”

Amper Innovation Factory at forefront of Cancer Care, Discovery in Iran

Given concern over the spread of cancer in Iran and the world, Amper Innovation Factory has taken many creative measures and implemented a number of technological projects.

Throughout the world, cancer is considered as one of the leading causes of death. Iran as a big country faces similar challenges facing the world in the fight against cancer. The deadly disease killed 10 million in 2020 around the world.

The number of new cancer cases in Iran is expected to increase from 112,000 cases registered in 2016 to 160,000 detected cases in 2025. This 42.6% increase, of which 13.9% is attributed to changes in risk and 28.7% to changes in population, indicates the growing cancer challenges in Iran.

New statistics published by the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that the spread of cancer in Iran as a result of factors such as unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits. Under such circumstances, the necessity of immediate attention to preventive measures and increasing public awareness is felt in the country.

Ampere's efforts in this field not only show its commitment to improving the health sector in Iran, but also show that by integrating scientific and practical approaches, it can play an effective role in reducing the challenge of cancer in the country, along with other leading organizations, and contribute to an improvement in people's living standards.

Iranian Scientist, Colleagues Develop Glass-Ceramic Composite to Safely Contain Nuclear Waste

Mehrnaz Mikhchian, an Iranian PhD student of the University of Saskatchewan and her colleagues found that a new glass-ceramic composite might have all the properties for better and safer storage of nuclear waste.

A team of researchers from the University of Saskatchewan (USask), led by Mikhchian, has discovered that an innovative glass-ceramic composite could show promise for the safe, long-term storage of nuclear waste. Corrosion-resistant, the new composite could make larger storage vessels than existing industrial standard ones. If their results are valid, this could prove revolutionary for the nuclear industry, specifically regarding how non-reusable nuclear waste is safely disposed of.

“Simply put, we want to find the best candidate for containing nuclear waste,” explained Mikhchian, who has published findings following a year-long study.

Nuclear power has the potential to be a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels. However, two main challenges have deterred widespread adoption: preventing leaching into the environment and safely disposing of large volumes of waste.

The storage of nuclear waste is subject to strict regulations and safety standards to ensure the protection of human health and the environment. The selection of the storage vessel depends on various factors, such as the type and level of radioactivity and consideration for long-term safety and security. High-level nuclear waste (HLW), for example, is the most radioactive and hazardous form of nuclear waste. It primarily consists of used nuclear fuel from reactors. HLW is typically stored in specialized containers made of metal canisters or concrete casks.

US Doubles Monthly Exports to Iran

The United States Census Bureau's data showed that the country's trade with Iran increased by 8% last year and the US monthly exports to Iran was doubled.

The trade relations between the two countries in 2022 had been registered to be $56.7 million, which increased to $61.2 million in 2023.

According to the US center’s report, the US exports to Iran in the months of January to December 2023 stood at %59 million, indicating a 29% increase compared to 2022. In 2022, the United States exported goods worth $45.5 million to Iran.

But the US imports from Iran decreased significantly in 2023 and were reordered to be $2.2 million. In 2022, US imports from Iran were reported to be worth $11.2 million.

Iran ranked 168th among the US export destinations in 2023 and 200th on the list of exporters to the country.

Over 1.2 Million Medical Tourists Visit Iran Annually

The president of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences(SBUMC) said more than 1.2 million people travel to Iran each year to receive medical services and treatment, adding that the country has the potential to receive more than 5 million medical tourists.

The president of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences(SBUMC) Alireza Zali said that the country has made great progress in the medical and health sector since 1979.

Zali said that Iran has paid great attention to the health sector, noting that there is no place be it towns or villages that does not enjoy government-backed medical services.

The SBUMC president went on to point out that since the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Iranian patients do not need to go overseas to receive medical services and treatment unlike, adding that now the country receives over 1.2 million patients from abroad to receive treatment here in Iran.

Iranian Company Produces CO2 Mass Flow Meter Device

An Iranian knowledge-based company has managed to produce a carbon dioxide (CO2) mass flow meter device in response to the order of one of the beverage producing companies in the country.

A report by the national program of ‘AbadIran' said that, at the order of one of the beverage producing companies, a CO2 gas mass flow meter was made by an Iranian knowledge-based company, adding the project was supported by Deneshmand Research & Development Institute.

The flow meter device is the most accurate and high-quality product in the world market. The device used to measure the flow rate or quantity of a gas or liquid moving through a pipe. Flow meters measure the volumetric or mass flow rate of a liquid or gas. They are used to measure how much of a substance passes through a pipe over a period of time.

According to the report by ‘AbadIran’ national program, among the features of this product are developing the know-how of producing the device inside the country, its low price compared to foreign equivalents, parts supply network and after-sales services.

Iran’s Exports to Russia Hit 760 Million Dollars in 10 Months

Iran has exported more than $760 million worth of different products to Russia during the first ten months of the current Iranian year (March 21, 2023 – January 20, 2024), an Iranian economic official said.

“The ceiling of our exports to Russia was about $300 million, and at present, our exports to the country have reached $760,373,000 in the first 10 months of this year,” said Rouhollah Latifi, the spokesman of the Iranian House of Industry, Mine and Trade's Trade Development Commission.

He added that Iran’s exports to Armenia has also reached $334 million in the same period, noting that a market of about 180 million people has been opened to Iran, considering Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus.

Noting that reduction of tariff costs and the crisis in Ukraine has made Iran one of the suppliers of food needs of Russia with over 140 million population, Latifi said, “Over 60% of our bell pepper exports are to Russia which shows the desire of this market for this Iranian product, and this makes our products more global.”

Knowledge-Based Firm Produces Smart Electronic Valves

The manager of a knowledge-based company said that their company has been able to play an effective role in managing water resources in Iran by making smart electronic valves.

Mohammad Sadegh Dia Hossein, the manager of Ab Rah Sanat Karoon Company located in the growth center of Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz branch, in Khuzestan Province in the Southwestern part of Iran said in an interview with ANA that his company managed to play a big role in managing water resources by manufacturing smart electronic valves.

“Smart electronic valves with the purpose of managing water resources have been widely used in the country's water supply and water resources industry and can implement the automation of water supply networks without the need for an operator,” Dia Hossein said.

“This company was founded in the growth center of Ahvaz Azad University and has been active in the fields of electronics, precision instruments and artificial intelligence since 2016. The company is also operating in making the water supply equipment industry, and for the first time in the country and the third time in the world, it has been able to automate water supply networks and pumping stations, which are used in agriculture, industry, first and second level water distribution networks and dams,” the manager of the firm further ANA.

“The automation of water distribution valves for Imam Khomeini Agriculture and Industry Complex and the automation of water pumping stations of Ahvaz Water and Sewerage Department and Municipality are among the achievements of this company,” the manager of Ab Rah Sanat Karoon Company added. 

Iranian Scientists Design AI-Based Software to Diagnose Alzheimer's

A knowledge-based company in Iran succeeded in designing a software based on artificial intelligence that can be used for the diagnosis of central nervous system diseases, including the Alzheimer's.

“Our knowledge-based company has provided a smart software in the field of medicine. This artificial intelligence-based software is used to diagnose Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, which are progressive, destructive and long-term disorders of the central nervous system,” Mohammad Mehdi Matinfar, the managing director of the knowledge-based company stationed at the incubator center of Islamic Azad University’s Ilam branch, told ANA.

“This software processes the images by using MIR images and using artificial neural networks and predicts whether the suspected person is suffering of disease or not,” he added.

“The biggest advantage of this smart software is its accuracy. Using an artificial intelligence model, the software enjoys an accuracy of over 97%,” Matinfar said.

Iranian Scientists Develop Smart Tissue Decellularization Technology to Reduce Graft Rejection

Iranian researchers succeeded in making a technological device that is capable to concurrently decellularize and cellularize the transplanted tissue, and prevents graft rejection and side effects of immunosuppressive drugs.

“The device we have developed helps to remove cells from the graft tissue scaffold using a series of laboratory solutions and materials. We can also give it a cell-free scaffold to add new cells,” Seyed Mohammad Amin Haramshahi, a faculty member of Iran University of Medical Sciences, told ANA.

Noting that the device helps the researcher to prepare the ground for making high-quality products with few complications, he said, “The challenge we face in preparation of transplanted tissue is that the products that are made at different times of decellularization are not the same because they depend on the user; but by using the device, this challenge is resolved and the settings of the device can be saved and the process can be repeated based on the same previous setting.”

Haramshahi explained that the time of product manufacturing process has shortened with this device, saying, “Similar devices in the market do not perform both decellularization and cellularization at the same time. Also, the possibility of remote control, like turning off the device at the end of the process or changing the intensity of the solution flow, is one of the important features of this technology and distinguishes it from other devices.”

Egypt's Central Bank Raises Interest Rates by 200 bps to Ease Inflation

The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) raised its overnight interest rates by 200 basis points (bps) over uncertainty surrounding the inflation outlook.

The rate hike brings the lending rate to 22.25 percent and the deposit rate to 21.25 percent.

"Widespread inflationary pressures remain elevated, continuing to impact pricing and consumption behaviors," the bank said in a statement.

Egypt's annual headline and core inflation continued to decelerate, recording 33.7 percent and 34.2 percent in December 2023.

However, geopolitical uncertainty and ongoing maritime trade disruptions continue to raise domestic and global inflationary pressures.




Tags: Iran science tech
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