Iran Indigenizes 1st AI-Based Plastic Injection Machine

“We are active in the field of designing software and systems based on artificial intelligence. The product that we have recently produced detects plastic injection multiplication by using the pattern of electricity consumption and based on artificial intelligence,” said Hamid Siamaki, the managing director of the knowledge-based company stationed at the incubator center of Islamic Azad University’s Mashhad branch.
“The system we have designed calculates the number of parts produced by the plastic injection machine by using the amount of electricity consumption and the consumption pattern and sends it to the server through an internal web service that has been produced by our experts,” he added.
“It is stored in the server and data is extracted by using a management software, and the production manager or collection manager can see how much production was done in the last hour or the previous week and in which intervals the production was high or low,” Siamaki said.
In a relevant development in January, the specialists of an Iranian startup team active in the field of IT and smartization of industrial equipment had also succeeded in producing a smart injection assistant in the plastic industry.
“Controlling the quality of input materials for the production of parts is highly necessary and important in the production process, so a professional operator should exist beside the machine to control the quality of input materials,” Reza Rousta, the founder and head of the startup team, told ANA.
“Since the quality control process is highly sensitive, a smart assistant was needed to perform the quality control process so that it could check all the details every moment to prevent waste,” he added.
Rousta explained that it is the first time in Iran and Eurasia that such a smart assistant for injection in the plastic industry has been produced and supplied.
“One of the most significant advantages of this smart assistant is that it makes using recycled materials in the production process possible up to 40%, while this percentage is usually up to 20%,” he underlined.