Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Produces Solar Inverters to Compete with Foreign Rivals

Solar power invertor converts the electricity produced in solar panels into electricty that can be used in urban power grid.
“The machine we have produced is completely localized in terms of technology and knowhow 100 percent. One of the important features of this machine is its adaptability to Iran climatic conditions, which can perform at an absolutely acceptable level in climatic conditions such as extreme weather changes which is happens in some regions in Iran,” Ahmed Nikravesh, the managing director of the knowledge-based company said, according to a report by the Iranian Vice Presidency for Science and Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy.
“There are various models of this product in our country's market especially the products of Chinese companies which are very active in the Iranian market,” he noted.
“Competing with the Chinese in terms of price is not an easy job. The annual production of some Chinese companies exceeds five million devices. If an Iranian company wants to compete with these companies with an annual production of 1,000 devices, it has no chance unless it is supported,” Nikravesh further pointed out.
The managing director of this knowledge-based company went on to say that Iran is a country that has high potential to produce energy from solar power plants.
He noted that the support for the Iranian knowledge-based firms should be increased especialy in the field of finance.
He further noted that the Iranian companies can compete with Chinese rival very well and have high potential to do that.