Producing Skin Repair Cream from Exosomes by Iranian Researchers

“Exosome-based skin repair and protective cream is one of the products of this company. Exosomes are a series of extracellular vesicles (EVs) that are produced by cells,” Ali Qaraei who has a Master’s degree in Biochemistry from the Tehran-based Tarbiat Modares University and a member of the research and development department of one of the companies active in the field of biotechnology, said in an interview with Iranian media.
He also said that exosomes are membrane-bound extracellular vesicles (EVs) that transport bioactive materials between cells and organs, adding, “Depending on the cells that produce and secrete these vesicles, they have various contents such as protein or DNA or a series of other biological compounds.”
"Exosome is obtained from a person with skin trauma such as skin wounds and a person with skin allergies. A blood sample is taken from the person and this sample is separated through laboratory processes, blood serum, and exosome is derived from it," he went on to say.
This researcher stated that a cream is produced from the exosomes, noting that the cream obtained is effective in healing skin wounds. Meanwhile this cream has curative and protective properties.
He further stated that the cream is effective for treating burn wounds and scratches, adding that studies have been conducted on the effects of the product on burn wounds.
“Since the active ingredient of this cream has been derived from the patient, this cream has the property of personalized treatment and is completely unique to the person, hence it has more therapeutic effects than other creams in the market,” Qaraei stressed.
“Since exosomes contain cellular DNA, the medicine is exclusively produced for that person. For that, its use will not cause certain side effects for that individual,” he, who is the member of the research department of the knowledge-based company, said.
In response to the question that since the active ingredient of this cream is taken from the individual, how much time is needed to make the special cream for the individual, he said, "It takes less than 12 hours from the time of receiving the blood sample to the production of the cream."