Iranian Scientists Make Granule from Medicinal Herbs

This technology has facilitated the production of raw material of medicine with the origin of natural products.
Faryar Noravesh company, stationed at Pardis Technology Park near Tehran, has been able to achieve the technology of making granules from medicinal plants by using CCG technology, which is considered as the latest drug production technology.
Saleh Ramezani, the managing director of the knowledge-based company, underlined the importance of using CCG technology, and said, “This technology is currently used as an up-to-date process in the world's major pharmaceutical companies.In this method, the removal of unnecessary solvents in the processes related to the processing and making of products increases the stability of the effective ingredients."
"For the first time in the world, Faryar Noravesh company has used this technology to produce plant-based granules. This technology leads to an increase in the quality and effectiveness of medicine,” he added.
A granule is a large particle or grain. It can refer to granule (cell biology), any of several submicroscopic structures, some with explicable origins, others noted only as cell type-specific features of unknown function. Azurophilic granule, a structure characteristic of the azurophil eukaryotic cell type.