IROST to Launch National Centers of "Graphene", "Clean Hydrogen Fuel" in Iran

The IROST chairman Hassan Zamanian made the announcement at the signing ceremony of a cooperation agreement between Iran’s Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST) and the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization of Iran (SATBA).
“The National Graphene Center and the National Hydrogen Clean Fuel Center are being launched at the IROST. Since graphene will be the future of the world's industry and clean hydrogen fuel will be the future of the world's energy, they are important for us. As many as 130 countries and 170 research centers in the world are working on this fields,” the IROST head said.
“Since its founding, the IROST has been tasked with two duties: solving problems and removing obstacles, and producing industrial products needed in the country. This organization currently has two basic pillars that distinguish it from other research and educational institutions in the country,” he said, explaining, “We have a basic pillar called research institutes with nine research institutes. Moreover, we have 150 technology units, 70 of which are international.”
Speaking in the same ceremony of signing the agreement, the head of SATBA Mahmoud Kamani said that most efficient use of energy was the topic of the agreement with IROST, compalaining that $100 worth of energy is consumed in Iran annually.
"We consume about $100 billion of energy annually, which is a significant figure. This is while we can have about $30 billion worth of optimization in energy consumption," Kamani said.
"One of the solutions to this problem is the use of renewable energy and the construction of new power plants," he added.