Technological Firm in Iran Produces Herbal Detergents with No Chemicals
14:00 - April 10, 2023

Technological Firm in Iran Produces Herbal Detergents with No Chemicals

TEHRAN (ANA)- A knowledge-based company stationed at the incubator center of the technological units of Islamic Azad University’s Yasouj branch in Western Iran succeeded in production of completely organic and herbal detergents without using any chemicals.
News ID : 2090

“The products of this company are made with plant extracts enriched with essential vitamins and proteins needed for the body and essential oils of medicinal plants based on the principles of green chemistry with high antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties and the least consumption chemicals which cause inflammation and dry skin like parabens, sulfates and silicone,” Mehravang Qa’edi, the managing director of the company, told ANA.

Noting that detergents and cosmetics produced in Iran and the world contain chemicals, they are carcinogenic and cause various diseases in the communities, she stressed that they can be replaced with herbal and organic product.

Qa’edi said that the production line of essential oils, extracts, teas and vegetable oils will also be launched by her company in the near future.

In a relevant development earlier this year, an Iranian company produces natural detergent sprays using nano-technology and has received a warm welcome in the European market.

According to the National Nano Headquarters of Iran, Manouchehr Shahbazian, the managing director of an Iranian manufacturing company said that the nano detergents of that company can be used for various surfaces, such as sinks, car tires, glasses and leather products.

“We are in cooperation with a company in Turkey. We send the concentrate to Turkey and there, with these concentrates, spray production and packaging are done, and then it is exported to Europe,” the Iranian engineer said.

He stated that the markets in Germany, Netherlands and the UK have warmly welcomed the products, adding, “Currently, we send one container of concentrate to Turkey every month. In addition, we have recently started cooperation with a company in Sweden, whose contract includes selling almost 20 tons of concentrate per month.”




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