Official Stresses Need for Development of Artificial Intelligence for Political, Economic Progress of Iran
10:36 - September 18, 2022

Official Stresses Need for Development of Artificial Intelligence for Political, Economic Progress of Iran

TEHRAN (ANA)- Head of the Islamic Azad University’s Artificial Intelligence Consortium Behrang Barekatain said that development of artificial intelligence in Iran will stabilize the country’s scientific, economic and political positions in the world.
News ID : 172

“The artificial intelligence consortium is a newly-developed group that has been formed for nearly five months. We have been able to achieve good goals in the past five months and have put on agenda implementation of short-term, medium-term and long-term plans of the consortium in line with the Islamic Azad University’s document of development and progress as well as the country's upstream documents in the field of technology and promotion of artificial intelligence,” Barekatain told ANA on the sidelines of Asreh Omid Event.

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The term may also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving.

“The consortium aims to align the entire body of Islamic Azad University together with national universities, scientific centers and ministries so that we can finally set up an artificial intelligence plant in which products based on artificial intelligence are developed,” he added.

Noting that Iran ranks 13th in the world in production of artificial intelligence science, but ranks 78th in the production of artificial intelligence-based products, the official said that the position should be improved and Iran should stand among the top ten world states in this field. 

The consortium has been formed to increase synergy, convergence and unification of ideas for the production of smart products at the national and international level, Barekatain said, adding that several meetings have been held to this end and a number of products, including a smart transportation robot and a warrior robot, have been designed. The warrior robot has ranked first in the competitions at the national level and will be dispatched to the international games.

He underlined the need for stabilizing the country’s position in the world in the field of artificial intelligence, adding that the country’s success in economy and politics in the future depends on the development of artificial intelligence.

Islamic Azad University's "second step of revolution" under the title of Asreh Omid Event was held in Tehran's Mosalla from May 29 to June 01, 2022 to exhibit new achievements, equipments and products in the technological and innovation arenas in line with opening new windows towards strengthening the idea of creating ground for knowledge-based businesses at the 40th anniversary of establishment of the Islamic Azad University.


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