Dry Ice Produced in Mobile Factories by Iranian Knowledge-Based Firm

“We have created environmentally-friendly mobile dry ice factories with industrial, agricultural and aquatic applications at the lowest cost and we provide service in all parts of the country,” Farhad Afsharzadeh, the managing-director of the company, told ANA.
“Dry ice has many applications in industries, including cleaning equipment, machines, facilities and industrial tools during operation and without any waste and any need to stopping production lines, as well as cleaning industrial electrical panels,” he added.
Afsharzadeh explained that removal of the remaining toxins from fruits and vegetables as well as transportation of aquatic animals are other applications of the dry ice, and said, “Our equipment and machines are mounted on trailer wheels and there is no need to build and set up a factory.”
Dry ice is the solid form of carbon dioxide. It is commonly used for temporary refrigeration as CO2 does not have a liquid state at normal atmospheric pressure and sublimates directly from the solid state to the gas state.
It is used primarily as a cooling agent, but is also used in fog machines at theatres for dramatic effects. Its advantages include lower temperature than that of water ice and not leaving any residue (other than incidental frost from moisture in the atmosphere). It is useful for preserving frozen foods (such as ice cream) where mechanical cooling is unavailable.