solar system
TEHRAN (ANA)- A team of researchers has determined the chemical mechanisms by which ancient Mars was able to sustain enough warmth in its early days to host water, and possibly life.
News ID: 8123 Publish Date : 2025/01/31
TEHRAN (ANA)- Chairman of the Materials and Energy Research Center (MERC) has announced the launch of a 50-kilowatt solar power plant at the center.
News ID: 5117 Publish Date : 2024/02/14
TEHRAN (ANA)- A team of researchers at Kharazmi University, with the support of the Vice Presidency for Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy designed and developed a solar panel screen printing machine for use in the electrical industry and the manufacture of solar panels.
News ID: 4331 Publish Date : 2023/11/30
TEHRAN (ANA)- Plasma rain in the sun’s atmosphere makes a splash when it lands and new observations from the European Space Agency’s Solar Orbiter have revealed previously unseen details of how this coronal rain falls, including bright fireball effects and sudden upward surges in plasma.
News ID: 3732 Publish Date : 2023/09/30
TEHRAN (ANA)- The first edition of the festival of "Canopies, Solar Powered and Thermal Patio Umbrellas" will be held under the auspices of the Headquarters for Knowledge-Based Energy Economy Development in cooperation with the Niroo Research Institute (NRI) on September 10 at the venue of Niroo Science and Technology Park located at the NRI compound.
News ID: 3420 Publish Date : 2023/08/28
TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at an Iranian knowledge-based company have developed a smart solar light system for apartment blocks that direct sunlight into dark and dingy rooms in apartments.
News ID: 3368 Publish Date : 2023/08/21
TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at an Iranian knowledge-based company have successfully injected electricity into pipelines using solar cathodic protection to make them resistant against corrosion.
News ID: 2973 Publish Date : 2023/07/07
TEHRAN (ANA)- Researchers at a knowledge-based company in Iran have produced solar-powered air conditioners using a special polymer that consume very little amount of energy to operate.
News ID: 2920 Publish Date : 2023/07/01
TEHRAN (ANA)- For the first time, astronomy scientists at the University of California have spotted a band of radiation surrounding an object outside our solar system .
News ID: 2522 Publish Date : 2023/05/24
TEHRAN (ANA)- During a break from looking at planets around other stars, the European Space Agency’s CHaracterising ExOPlanet Satellite (Cheops) mission observed a dwarf planet in our own Solar System and made a decisive contribution to the discovery of a dense ring of material around it.
News ID: 1645 Publish Date : 2023/02/15
TEHRAN (ANA)- Scientists at the University of Manchester have made predictions about what the final days of our Solar System will look like, and when it will happen, saying that we humans won't be around to see the Sun's curtain call.
News ID: 724 Publish Date : 2022/11/14
TEHRAN (ANA) – Niroo Gostar Liyan, an Iranian knowledge-based company, designed and manufactured split coolers that operate using solar power.
News ID: 711 Publish Date : 2022/11/13
TEHRAN (ANA)- The solar cooling system designed and manufactured by an Iranian knowledge-based company will remove dependency on fossil fuels for air conditioners in different buildings, a report said.
News ID: 379 Publish Date : 2022/10/14