Solar Split Coolers Manufactured by Iranian Knowledge-Based Company

Solar Split Coolers Manufactured by Iranian Knowledge-Based Company

TEHRAN (ANA) – Niroo Gostar Liyan, an Iranian knowledge-based company, designed and manufactured split coolers that operate using solar power.
News ID : 711

Seyed Hossein Razavi, the managing director of the company, told ANA that relying on the capacity and ability of talented and young university graduates is the best experience for knowledge-based companies to work without the need to import knowledge and technology.

"The company’s laboratory operates as a partner of the National Standards Organization and the Technical Inspection Company in the field of product sampling," he added.

This company started working in 2005 by producing a system for testing gas coolers according to the latest standards of the world.

"Designing and manufacturing solar split coolers is one of the company's new achievements," he said, adding that Knowledge-based companies enjoy both technology and innovation.

The company is able to perform quality tests based on national standards on air conditioners, household appliances, office equipment, hand tools, toys, and stationery, and perform microbial tests on food products to measure the amounts of mycotoxins.

The company holds six certificates in the fields of power and electronics, mechanics, and food from the General Directorate of Standards of Bushehr Province and national certificates in the fields of household appliances, air conditioners, stationery, and toothbrushes from the National Qualification Verification Center of Iran.

Joining other knowledge-based companies is one of the most important goals of the company in order to employ technical experts, especially in Bushehr province, and to prevent the outflow of foreign currency, Razavi explained.

“The goal is attained by designing and manufacturing the required equipment and providing services and cooperating with the National Standards Organization.”

Receiving national certificates in various fields, and expanding the scope of work and activities in the field of sampling and inspection are also among the goals.

Sanctions that have curbed imports and exports have caused problems for the laboratory in recent years, reducing the volume of samples and, as a result, the laboratory's income.

Razavi went on to say that the need to import some high-precision parts to complete the project caused a delay in launching the company, he said, concluding that the company started operation with five employees while there are now 16 persons working.

According to the data released by Iran's Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Organization (known as SATBA), the share of solar power plants in Iran’s renewable electricity generation capacity has reached 49 percent.

Renewables, including hydropower, account for seven percent of Iran’s total energy generation, versus natural gas’s 90 percent share.

More than 7,000 knowledge-based companies have so far been registered and are now operating across the country.

The companies are mainly active in the fields of biotechnology, agriculture, food, steel, gas, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, oil, electronics, telecommunications, information technology, and computer.


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