Top News of Last Week with ANA
8:05 - July 15, 2024

Top News of Last Week with ANA

TEHRAN (ANA)- Find the news, features, articles, videos and more about the latest scientific and technological advances in Iran and other world countries in the past week (July 8-14) on ANA.
News ID : 6548

Azad News Agency (ANA) published a number of scientific and technological news during the past week whose top ones are as follows:

Iran to Launch 7 New Projects to Collect Flare Gases

Iran is due to complete seven new projects to recover flare gases, worth 400 million dollars, in the first half of the current Persian calendar year (started on March 20).

Mahmoud Aminnejad, the managing director of the Persian Gulf Bidboland Gas Refinery, said that by launching the projects 16 gas flares will be turned off in the East Karoon region and as much as 250 million cubic feet of gas will be collected for use as feedstock.  

The seven projects are part of a general plan named "Renovation and Construction of Gas Collection Facilities" which the Petroleum Ministry is pursuing its implementation seriously.

The contract for the renovation and construction of gas collection facilities in the East Karoon region, worth 1.109 billion dollars, was signed in 2018 between the Persian Gulf Holding and the National Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC).

The Persian Gulf Bidboland Gas Refinery, which is in charge of implementing the contract, plans to collect the associated gases, preventing the burning of national wealth, preserving the environment, and providing the collected gases as feedstock.    

Aminnejad said that Bidboland Gas Refinery had become operational in February 2021 as the largest processing associated gas installation but its sustainable operation depends on the implementation of the renovation and construction of gathering associated gas installation projects.  

Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Designs, Develops E-Buses

A technologist at a knowledge-based company in Iran told ANA that he and his teammates have designed electric bus body structures and platforms, adding that the company has now the capability of manufacturing buses, vans, etc.

“This company operates in the field of design and construction of commercial vehicle platforms of vehicles such as buses, minibuses and vans. Platform design includes body structure, skeleton structure, chassis prototype design and bus engine and gearbox chassis assembly,” said Saeid Shirazi, a technologist working for the knowledge-based company.

“We designed and produced the first electric bus in cooperation with MAPNA Group, which has been approved by the ran National Standards Organization (INSO),” he said.

Referring to the differences in the production of electric products of this company with other companies, he said, “Other companies imported electric cars from China or other countries, but our company did not. We comply with the 85 vehicle standards. We design our own body structures.”

“The first company that designed the body structure and platform of the electric bus in Iran was this knowledge-based company. This structure was unveiled for the first time in Mashhad. The prototype of the electric bus had three doors and the second model had two doors, and its dimensions have also been reduced,” he said, adding, “This knowledge-based company has begun producing 10 electric buses and it is decided to begin its mass production.”

“Batteries for electric buses is a serious challenge because … and of course it is being locally produced by some companies now,” Shirazi said.

Iran to Launch 2 New Satellites Developed by Private Sector

Head of the Iranian Space Agency (ISA) Hassan Salariyeh announced that the country will launch two new satellites which have been designed and built by the private sector in the current Persian calendar year (started on March 20).

“Kosar satellite, which is an observation satellite, is scheduled to be launched and put into the orbit this year. Hodhod satellite, as a research-communication satellite, is also due to be launched concurrently with Kosar satellite,” Salariyeh said.

“Other satellites, which are being built by the private sector upon an order by the ISA will be launched this year, God willing,” he added.

“Also, the construction process of martyr Soleimani project, which includes an Internet of Things (IOT) satellite system, will start late this year,” Salariyeh said.

Kosar is an observation satellite with an imaging resolution of 3.5 meters per pixel, which can be used for agricultural purposes, surveying and demarcation. The satellite has an orbital lifespan of two years.

The Hodhod satellite is planned to be used in the area of the Internet of Things, agriculture, transportation and crisis management scenarios.

Omid Faza company and a group of Amirkabir University students have been developing Kosar satellite.

Minister: Iran Ranks 2nd in AI, Robotics in Region

Iranian Science Minister Mohammad Ali Zolfi Gol announced that the country has gained the second position in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics fields among the regional states.

“[based on the latest report of the Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC)], Iran ranked second in producing science in the field of artificial intelligence in the region. And about the machine learning index in the region, Saudi Arabia ranked first and Iran ranked second. Turkey's robotics index ranks first and Iran ranks second, and in the field of neural networks and the multi-agent systems, Iran has ranked first,” Zolfi Gol said.

He added that the ISC’s report also shows that the universities of Tehran, Tabriz, Amirkabir, Tarbiat Modares, Tehran Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University’s Science and Research branch, Sharif, Khajeh Nasir, Shiraz and Science and Technology are among the top universities in the country in the field of artificial intelligence.

Multi-agent systems (MAS) are a core area of research of contemporary artificial intelligence. A multi-agent system consists of multiple decision-making agents which interact in a shared environment to achieve common or conflicting goals.

In machine learning, a neural network (also artificial neural network or neural net, abbreviated ANN or NN) is a model inspired by the structure and function of biological neural networks in animal brains.

Laser Technology Used by Iranian Company to Produce Car Parts

Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company have managed to produce metal-composite and polymer parts with home-made materials for the car-making industry by using the laser technology.

“The company has founded all processes as a modern system and has succeeded in receiving the certificate of quality management system in the automotive industry with the scope of designing and manufacturing metal-composite and polymer parts,” Reza Aryamanesh, the managing director of the knowledge-based company, told ANA.

“The set of connection brackets, anti-theft battery box, fuel tanks, metal side protection, compressed air tanks and car body wind deflectors are part of the company's products, which are made with metal, polymer and composite materials to have low weight. The products are made with laser and composite technologies,” he added.

“We are negotiating with Uzbekistan for the export of Isuzu cars and with Turkey for the export of anti-theft battery boxes,” Aryamanesh noted.

The Iranian knowledge-based companies have made good progress in developing laser technology.

Minister: Iran Can Become Corridor for BRICS Member States to Exchange Crops

Iran’s Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Agricultural Affairs Alireza Mohajer said that Iran, because of its privileged geographical location, can become a corridor for BRICS member states for exchanging their agricultural products. 

Mohajer made the remarks after attending the 14th meeting of the agriculture ministers of the BRICS group of emerging economies held recently in Moscow. 

The deputy Iranian agriculture minister noted that Iran's geographical location which is situated in a strategic place allows for exporting many products of the BRICS member countries through the international North-South, East-West, and through railway, land and air corridors. 

"By strengthening the corridors, Iran can use this great potential for the exchanges of BRICS member countries," he said.

He also said that BRICS member states make up more than 40 percent of the population of world and account for 30 percent of the world’s economy, therefore that the BRICS member states have a privileged position in producing, trading and exporting food products.

Mohajer, who headed the Iranian delegation at the Moscow meeting, also said, "Russia can easily meet our needs for corn and soybeans and the products such as vegetables, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, apples and kiwis that the Russians need can be supplied to them by our country."

Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Exports Oil Wellhead to Oman  

Engineers of an Iranian knowledge-based firm succeeded in production of high-quality wellheads used in oil and gas industry and exported them to Oman.

“Wellhead refers to a set of equipment that are installed on the surface of the oil well after the completion of the well and before moving the drilling rig, and they have different tasks,” said Amir Mehdi Javaherdashti, the managing director of the knowledge-based company.

“Maintenance of wall pipes and casing is one of the tasks of the wellhead, which protects the wall pipes and casing against the pressure of the fluids inside the well. The wellhead helps to control the pressure of fluids inside the well, including oil, gas and water, and provides access to the inside of the well to perform various operations, like repairs or equipment installation,” he added.

Javaherdashti explained that the wellhead directs and controls the flow of fluids coming out of the well, adding, “One of the important challenges in working with well equipment is managing the high pressure of fluids inside the well, and this pressure can be so high that it brings significant safety risks.”

“For this reason, the design, construction and installation of well equipment should be done with the highest quality and safety standards,” he underlined.

“In one of the export experiences, the Omanis did not believe that our product was made in Iran after observing its high quality and comparing it with the US-made sample,” Javaherdashti said.

Iranian Specialists Make New Devices for Drying Temperature-Sensitive Materials in Food, Agriculture Industries

Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company stationed at Alborz Science and Technology Park succeeded in designing and manufacturing a spray dryer and a freeze dryer to meet the needs of food and agriculture industries.

“We were able to make two spray dryers and a freeze dryer in the form of research and development. These devices help researchers to obtain basic data before scaling, scaling up (the business model turns into a repeatable model and the conformity of the product with the market needs is confirmed) and industrialization,” Mojtaba Vatan Ara, a board member and executive director of the knowledge-based company, told ANA.

“These devices are used in fields like biotechnology, medicine, food industry, herbal medicine, cosmetics and all fields where it is necessary to turn a liquid into a powder,” he added.

Noting that the spray dryer is used to dry liquids with aqueous solvents by using hot air flow, evaporation process and turning materials into dry powder, Vatan Ara said, “The spray dryer device is equipped with the technology of drying all types of solutions or suspensions.”

“This product is applied in drying temperature-sensitive materials in food and agriculture industries, including dairy, flavorings, preparation of fruit powder, plant extracts, beneficial and enriching food (human, livestock and poultry), algae, etc.,” he added.

“Freeze dryer is also used to dry liquids with aqueous solvents; on a laboratory scale, the process of dehydrating and removing moisture from materials by reducing temperature, pressure and sublimation process without applying any heat to the sample is one of the best solutions for drying materials. This product can be used to dry temperature-sensitive materials in food and agriculture industries to preserve the color, taste, smell, amount of vitamins and nutrients of vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, dairy products, herbs and food flavorings,” Vatan Ara said.

Iranian Researchers Use Nanotechnology to Produce Extracts, Effective Herbal Substances from Saffron

Iranian researchers at a knowledge-based company used nanotechnology to produce essential oils, extracts and active plant substances (API) from saffron and other medicinal plants.

“The main activity of our company is the formulation of health-oriented and natural products in the field of food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries by using the nano-encapsulation method (nisome and liposome) along with a specialized sensory evaluation test,” Parisa Mardani, the managing director of the knowledge-based company stationed at Khorassan Razavi Science and Technology Park, told ANA.

Noting that the researchers of her company have succeeded in producing essential oils, extracts and active plant substances (API) from saffron and other medicinal plants by using nanotechnology, she said, “They have now succeeded in extracting pure crocin in three pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic grades; the purity of crocin for pharmaceutical use is 99.9%, for food use it is more than 40% and for cosmetic use it is more than 20%.”

Mardani stated that we also extracted safranal from saffron and anthocyanin from saffron petals, and added, “We have also extracted effective medicinal substances like barberry berberine, thyme thymol, mint menthol, and turmeric curcumin.”

Saffron is used as a fabric dye, perfume, and important religious and medicinal herb in many different traditional systems of herbal medicine.

Iranian Technicians Produce System for Engine Houses to Save Energy

Iranian engineers at a knowledge-based company have produced intelligent control system for engine houses at poultry farms and greenhouses which they say reduces gas and electricity consumption by 50% and 30%, respectively.

“Our focus is on designing and making intelligent control systems for buildings and engine houses. The intelligent control system for the building and engine houses, the intelligent control system for server rooms, the intelligent control system of the poultry farms and the intelligent control system for greenhouse are among our achievements,” said Mehdi Kargar, one of the researchers of the knowledge-based company that is based in South Khorasan Province’s Science and Technology Park located in the Northeastern part of Iran.

“The advantages of this system include elimination of user and human error, easy and extensive access to all equipment and monitoring and management of heavy engine houses equipment such as chillers or compressor in an automated way with critical parameters,” Kargar said.

“Any errors and damage to these systems can inflict a lot of costs, but these damages can be prevented by using this equipment,” he added.

This researcher pointed to the reduction in energy consumption as one of the other advantages of their smart control systems, adding, “These systems will save gas by 50% and reduce electricity consumption by 30%.”

“In some regions in the country, for example South Khorasan province, there is a big difference between day and night temperatures while equipment and facilities are designed for the worst building capacity. These facilities usually do not change capacity in day and night temperature conditions; however, these intelligent monitoring systems are able to change the program in those facilties according to the temperature outside and inside the building,” added the researcher.

Iran Ranks 22nd in Production of Genetics Science

An Iranian scientific official has said that Iran has ranked 22nd in the world and second in the region in the production of genetics science.

“In this congress (conference), 794 articles were received and reviewed and refereed. Of those papers, 758 were accepted, 64 of which will be presented in the form of lectures and 694 in the form of posters,” speaking to local Iranian journalists in Tehran at the press conference of the 6th International Congress (Conference) and the 18th National Congress (Conference) on Genetics in Iran, Pourkazemi, the Scientific Secretary of the congress said.

“Among the 758 articles accepted, there were 375 articles in human genetics, 188 plant genetics, 179 animal genetics, 26 biosafety and ethical considerations, and 15 articles in stem cells and microorganisms,” he also said.

“During this congress, 17 educational and training workshops will be held, of which 6 workshops have been held so far which revolved around on technology transfer and presentation of the latest technologies to researchers,” Pourkazemi added.

“On the second day of this event, the best selected ideas will be presented and the best ones will be awarded,” further explained the congress secretary.

Iran, Russia Interconnect Local Payment Systems

Tehran and Moscow in a meeting inked an agreement to interconnect Iran’s Shetab  and Russia’s Mir payment systems.

“During the meeting, the two sides finalized the requirements to connect Russia’s Mir payment system to Iran’s Shetab and this project has entered the operational phase," Governor of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) Mohammad Reza Farzin said.

He made the remarks after his return from St. Petersburg, where he had a meeting with his Russian counterpart Elvira Nabiullina.

Farzin said that in the first stage, which kicks off on August 22, bank cards of Iran’s Shetab system can be used as Amber smart cards in all ATMs across the Russian and Iranian citizens will be able to withdraw rubles from the Russian ATMs using their cards.

"The second stage [involves the possibility of] paying with Russian citizens’ cards in Iran," Farzin said, adding that in the third stage, Iranians will be able to pay with a Shetab card in Russian stores via an ordinary bank terminal.

Iranian Knowledge-Based Company Assists Different Industries via Making Nano Dust Collectors

Researchers at a knowledge-based company in Iran have successfully designed and manufactured industrial filters (dust collectors) by using nanofibers, which are very effective in the food, mining, construction, etc. industries.

“This group produces industrial filters (dust collectors) with nano fiber technology. These filters are used to filter dust from industries such as flour, spaghetti, vegetable oil, starch, sugar, as well as mining, steel industries, construction (plaster and cement factories),”said Ali Mahmoudi, an expert of a knowledge-based company in an interview with ANA correspondent.

“Increasing the absorption rate of particles in nano dimensions, increasing the efficiency of filtration, surface filtration, increasing the health and safety of the workspace, significantly increasing the durability, cost-effectiveness due to increasing the lifespan, reducing depreciation and increasing the power of machines, are among the advantages of these nano filters as compared to normal filters,” he added.

“Now, with the mass production of this product, we have been able to meet the needs of large industries such as steel, ceramic tiles, cement, and food. The quality of this product is equal to similar foreign-made imported counterparts and the polyester fibers are used in its construction. Its price is almost two to three times lower than those of the foreign models,” he continued.

Mahmoudi expressed hope for more financial support from the government to producers and manufacturers at the time of difficulty.  





Tags: Iran science tech
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