Artificial Intelligence Helps Iranian Scientists to Diagnose Gastrointestinal Cancer Rapidly
14:59 - November 04, 2022

Artificial Intelligence Helps Iranian Scientists to Diagnose Gastrointestinal Cancer Rapidly

TEHRAN (ANA)- Managing director of a knowledge-based firm in Iran said that researchers of the company have succeeded in rapid diagnosis of different types of cancer by using artificial intelligence.
News ID : 587

“Our activities are based on using the artificial intelligence on the molecules in the body, and we detect the possibility of different types of cancer for patients based on this method so that we can forewarn them that if they continue the same lifestyle in the next few years, they may get cancer,” Navid Abedzadeh, the managing dirctor of Eideh Atlas Aram company, told ANA on the sidelines of Asreh Omid Event in Tehran.

“At present, we are working on the digestive system because it is the third most common cancer in the world. This cancer is very common in China compared to other countries of the world, and based on our predictions, this type of cancer is becoming more common in Iran too because our lifestyle is tending towards fast foods, and this can severely affect the digestive system,” he added.

Noting that the company aims to carry out healing and compensatory activities based on herbal plants to treat patients, Abedzadeh said, “Based on artificial intelligence, we identify the molecules and active compounds of that herbal plant and see if this compound can bind or inhibit the growth of the molecule that is involved in cancer, or find molecules that have a positive use and can increase them.”

“First, we detect them through artificial intelligence, then we extract that compound, and then we identify the molecules in the body, and we perform this bonding process in the form of artificial intelligence, and then we show it in the clinical stage too,” he added.

Islamic Azad University's "second step of revolution" under the title of Asreh Omid Event was held in Tehran's Mosalla from May 29 to June 01, 2022 to exhibit new achievements, equipment and products in the technological and innovation arenas in line with opening new windows towards strengthening the idea of creating ground for knowledge-based businesses at the 40th anniversary of establishment of the Islamic Azad University.





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