Iranian Researcher’s Invention Increases Barberry Production by 30%
17:00 - December 09, 2023

Iranian Researcher’s Invention Increases Barberry Production by 30%

TEHRAN (ANA)- An Iranian researcher invented a special device for harvesting barberry which can increase production of the fruit up to 30% and is also applicable for harvesting other garden products like almonds.
News ID : 4431

“The ‘barberry harvesting head’ shakes the barberry tree and delivers the healthy product to the farmer, and dries the barberry with high safety in the dryer,” Mohsen Salimi Fard, the inventor of the device, told ANA.

“The most important thing is that when we harvest the barberry with this device, the tree is not harmed and the farmer receives a healthy product without stem,” he added.

“Our research has shown that if the barberry tree is harvested with our device, it will definitely produce next year too,” Salimi Fard said.

“We have increased barberry tree’s productivity to twice a year by using the device which means a 30% boost in barberry production in South Khorassan province (Eastern Iran), and this device should be available to all farmers to increase production and lead to a high-quality product for exports,” he underlined.

Berberis, commonly known as barberry, is a large genus of deciduous and evergreen shrubs from 1–5 m tall, found throughout temperate and subtropical regions of the world. Species diversity is greatest in South America and Asia; Europe, Africa and North America have native species as well. 

The well-known species of barberry is Berberis vulgaris, which is also called European barberry, though it is also common in central Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa, in particular the Iranian variety which is of outstanding quality. 

Barberry is a prickly shrub. Its wood is red, brown or yellow. Its leaves are oval and its fruit is oval red and sour.



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