Nano Technology Can Increase Efficiency of Cars’ Rear Window Defogger
Yasin Shimi Qoqnus Company in Iran uses nano silver conductive paste in its rear window defoggers on glass on the backside of the car because it increases the electrical conductivity of the glass and the performance of the rear window defogger in cars.
Conductive materials used in making the rear window defoggers in cars are really useful especially in cold climate and winter season because they easily remove the fog from the glass and increase the driver's visibility. Nano silver conductive paste are a good option for this purpose, which is used in the production of safety glass and printing the heater circuit on the rear window glass of the car.
The use of nanotechnology in producing conductive pastes has reduced electrical resistance and thus increased the efficiency of electric flow in these conductors. Easily printing these materials on glass is one of the other characteristics of these conductive pastes, affectivity of which has been improved by using nanoparticles.
The Vice-Presidency for Scientific and Technology-the Nano Taskforce has sponsored and marketed this product.