Iranian Researchers Make Probiotic Yogurt Using Bacterial Yeast

“Probiotics are live microorganisms, bacteria and yeasts that are good for human body, especially digestive system,” Hossein Hassannejad, the head of an Iranian research team told Iranian media.
He added that probiotics settle in different parts of the body (mainly the intestines) with their biological activity, mainly by maintaining and improving the balance of intestinal microbial flora (gut microbiota) among microorganisms.
He also said that yogurt is highly popular in Iran that’s why the team conducted research in the company to produce a high quality product for the Iranian people.
Hassannejad stated that they discovered a solution to increase the shelf life of probiotics in yogurt, adding, “The produced probiotic yogurt contains Kluyveromyces marxianus yeast and has probiotic components and properties which are good for our health. This technology can be used in the field of industrial and semi-industrial production of yogurt, and its application improves the shelf life and increases the number of probiotics in the system, as well as preventing mold and spoilage, and finally, a healthy product can be presented to the society.”
According to him, the shelf life of probiotic yogurt containing Kluyveromyces marxianus yeast is increased for 30 days at a temperature of 20 to 28 degrees Celsius.
Hassannejad considered the yogurt produced by their formula to be a rich source of calcium and noted, “The presence of live bacteria in yogurt increases the absorption of calcium in the body. Also, this yogurt is a very good source of protein absorption; because the process of fermentation of yogurt bacteria will facilitate the absorption of proteins, that is why yogurt proteins are called pre-digested proteins.”
According to the manager of the project, yogurt has a direct relationship with reduction in cholesterol, because yogurt can create connections with bile acids, and these acids play a role in making cholesterol.
“Also, this yogurt helps children with malabsorption to absorb two important food compounds, namely ‘proteins’ and ‘minerals’," he added.
Hassannejad named resistance to biological spoilage, especially molds, due to the presence of antimicrobial components as another advantage of this yogurt and said, “Probiotic yogurt containing Kluyveromyces marxianus yeast boosts the body's defense mechanism by stimulating the immune system and improves the body's resistance. Also, the use of this yeast brings health benefits to the probiotic product, such as anti-mutagenic and anti-carcinogenic properties, anti-infection, stimulation and strengthening of the body's immune system, reduction in serum cholesterol, improvement in lactose intolerance and increase in nutritional value.”
Saying that the technology of producing probiotic yogurt using this yeast also results in reducing heat energy consumption in the production process, the researcher added, “In addition to the aforementioned beneficial nutritional effects, Kluyveromyces marxianus yeast is also able to technologically improve some of the characteristics of probiotic yogurt due to having favorable rheological and textural properties.”