Iranian PhD Student Invents Buoyant Concrete with High Structural Strength

“The concrete has no foreign counterpart and it is the first time in the world that a concrete with the property of buoyancy on water and high structural resistance has been made,” Mohammad Javad Rezayee, a Ph.D. student in civil engineering, geotechnical department of Islamic Azad University’s Najafabad branch told ANA.
In addition to structural strength, the invention enjoys low density, buoyancy and compressive strength in the range of 28 MPa.
In an earlier development, an Iranian knowledge-based company had also used nanotechnology to improve the resistance of concrete flooring for application in marine industries.
The new concrete flooring was produced by the knowledge-based ‘Aptos Iran’ company with the support of the technology development department of the Iranian Vice-Presidency for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy.
‘excellent mechanical strength’, ‘low weight’, ‘impermeability and low surface absorption of water’, ‘improved bending strength’, ‘high resistance to impact’, ‘good surface quality and surface shape’, ‘high durability’ and ‘little change in dimensions’ are the specifications of this type of concrete flooring.
This product is made on two surface and substrate surface.