Iranian Researchers Develop New Drug for Stomach Infection with Propolis

"Part of our studies in this company has focused on bee-related products for medicinal purposes. One of the important substances produced by these creatures is a wax called propolis,” Babak Ezati Ranjbar, the director of one of the creative Iranian companies announced.
Ezzati Ranjbar said that their company works on producing natural antibiotics as one of its research fields.
He explained that the propolis is produced by the bee to protect the hive and prevent the entry of insects or pollution.
“In the world, this substance is referred to as a antibiotic rich source, and based on this, we developed a special oral drop to kill stomach microbes called Helicobacter pylori," the researcher added.
“Helicobacter pylori is a type of bacteria that grows in the digestive tract and usually invades the stomach,” he explained more.
Ezzati Ranjbar went on to explain that stomach infection occurs when the intestine is affected by bacterial infection and this infection causes inflammation in the intestine and stomach. Studies show that people with stomach infection caused by Helicobacter face risk of stomach cancer.”
”More than 80% of Iran’s population are infected with this bacterium, while the use of ordinary antibiotics makes the body to become resistant against antibiotics," he pointed out.
He continued that the formulation of their product does not create resistance to antibiotics in the body.
Emphasizing that the drop can completely destroy the Helicobacter bacteria in the stomach, Ezzati Ranjbar pointed out, “Recently, in an article published in one of the prestigious scientific journals, Helicobacter was referred to a real cure for the stomach infection.”
He concluded that their drug has been distributed among the pharmacies across Iran after receiving necessary permission from the Food and Drug Administration.