Tags - GPS


TEHRAN (ANA)- Engineers at a knowledge-based company in Iran have produced marine antennas to help vessels anywhere in the world with finding their direction.
News ID: 5864    Publish Date : 2024/05/05

TEHRAN (ANA)- The IT and mechanical engineers of a technological company in Iran stationed at the ‘Highway’ innovation plant designed a Smart Fleet Management System (FMS) as a combination of hardware and software.
News ID: 5107    Publish Date : 2024/02/13

TEHRAN (ANA)- Technicians of an Iranian knowledge-based company have invented a new  Global Positioning System ( GPS ) device dubbed RTK, which shows the accurate locations with a small margin of only 5-10 centimeters.
News ID: 2704    Publish Date : 2023/06/09

TEHRAN (ANA)- A knowledge-based company in Iran succeeded in designing and developing a positioning system to locate the rescue workers and monitor their vital signs.
News ID: 1603    Publish Date : 2023/02/12

TEHRAN (ANA)- The software for navigation and traffic management was designed and developed by an Iranian knowledge-based company through indigenized technology for geomatics.
News ID: 430    Publish Date : 2022/10/19

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