Iran-Made Herbal Medicine Able to Curb Stress, Relieve Insomnia

Iran-Made Herbal Medicine Able to Curb Stress, Relieve Insomnia

TEHRAN (ANA)- A herbal medicine produced by an Iranian company can help alleviate stress and diminish insomnia.
News ID : 949

Roohan Sabz Paliz Company introduced the treatment at the Islamic Azad University’s Asreh Omid Event which was held in late May in Tehran’s Grand Mosalla.

Fatemeh Zahra Almasi, the managing director of the company, told ANA that the processed lemon grass plant is produced in dried form, in the form of essence, and in the form of sweat.

The essence of the plant helps to relieve insomnia or control stress, she added.

Almasi took part in the event with the support of the Islamic Azad University, Isfahan branch.

The essential oil of the plant is used to make perfume and eau de cologne, she noted.

The plant’s extract is also used for treating those who suffer from dandruff, insomnia, stress, and anxiety.

The dry leaf is used for drinking instead of tea, as well as for treating those who have high blood pressure, blood fat, diabetes, or fatty liver.

Lemon grass was imported before being produced by this company, she said, adding that no similar products were produced inside the country.

“The product was mostly used in cosmetics such as hand creams. It was not produced in Iran at all. We imported the plant from Africa and produced it domestically.”

Iran ranks fourth in the world in the production of science in the field of traditional medicine, and the remarkable achievement will improve in the coming years, Nafiseh Hosseini Yekta, the director of the health ministry’s Persian medicine office, said.

There are 2,500 plant species with medicinal properties in Iran where hundreds of local companies and research centers cultivate, harvest, and process these plants to extract their essential oils and create novel medications from them, luring in international businesses which are seeking low-price, high-quality products.


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