Iran, Qatar Trade to Rise to 3 Billion Dollars in 4 Years
19:19 - November 30, 2022

Iran, Qatar Trade to Rise to 3 Billion Dollars in 4 Years

TEHRAN (ANA)- A senior Iranian trade official announced that Tehran and Doha have agreed to increase their bilateral trade to $3bln in four years.
News ID : 938

“Based on an agreement between Tehran and Doha, (bilateral) trade is expected to rise from a meager figure of $200 million to $3 billion in the next four years,” Spokesman of the Iranian Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade (MIMT) Omid Qalibaf said.

He added that the two countries had agreed in a recent trade fair in the Qatari capital Doha that food exports from Iran to Qatar would soon reach 250 metric tons monthly.

According to Qalibaf, exports to Qatar from Iran’s Southwestern port of Dayyer had nearly tripled to reach 80 containers per day after X-ray equipment was installed in a local customs office in the port.  

He added that Iran’s exports to Qatar grew 30% in the calendar month to October 22 compared to the same period last year.

Exports of certain products from Iran to Qatar had doubled in the seven months to late October, including shipments of semi-finished steel products, glass and shrimp, Qalibaf said.

He added that Iran seeks to establish a long-term foothold in the export market in Qatar, noting that the MIMT has introduced measures to encourage more exports to the Arab country, including tax exemptions for exporter.




Tags: Iran Qatar trade
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