Company in China Completes Ultra-High-Speed Remote Sensing Image Laser Transmission Test

The 100-Gbps (gigabits per second) image transmission test was a success, said Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co., Ltd.
To complete the test, a research team from the company comprehensively updated the vehicle-mounted ground station and overcame a series of technical difficulties. They also established a coherent, ultra-long distance, high sensitivity laser communication link between Earth and space.
Ultra-high-resolution remote sensing satellites can generate data volumes several times greater than other remote sensing satellites, with image data generation rates reaching tens of gigabits per second, according to the company.
This breakthrough will significantly improve data transmission efficiency, providing solid technical support for the rapid transmission of massive remote sensing images.
Such rapid transmission capabilities will better serve such fields as disaster monitoring, smart cities, environmental protection and emergency response, and will provide strong technical support for broader remote sensing data applications.
Chang Guang launched its first group of commercial Jilin-1 satellites in October 2015. Its Jilin-1 constellation is now operating with more than 110 satellites and is capable of observing any point on the globe approximately 40 times a day.