Iranian Company Manufactures Rapid Gas Detection Kits for Oil, Mining Industries

“Instant gas detection test kits are highly complex and technical. These kits are designed and manufactured in the form of vials, and their function is similar to ampoules that are broken at both ends and placed in a simple pump,” Mohammad Javad Kargar, the managing director of the knowledge-based company.
He explained that the pump draws air into the vial from one side and expels it from the other which leads to detection of different gases and environmental parameters.
“One of the main applications of these kits is in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries. When restarting refineries or petrochemical plants after a shutdown, the gas in the lines and space should be examined in a short period of time and by using these tubes, the type and amount of gas in the environment can be measured in a few seconds,” Kargar said.
“This product has vital applications, specially in mines, and by analyzing and detecting the type of gas, it can prevent accidents and losses in mines,” he added.
In a relevant development in December, Iranian engineers at a knowledge-based company managed to manufacture robotic systems for loading and packing cargo to the market which saves time in petrochemical industries.
“This product performs everything from packaging to loading completely automatically for the petrochemical industry,” said Mohsen Kazzemi Moqaddam, a researcher at the knowledge-based company.
“One of the concerns of the petrochemical industry is the time it takes to load products, and with this device, it has been able to reduce the loading time from 45 minutes to 15 minutes,” he added.
“The robotic packaging and loading line we designed is for open trailers, but the new model we are designing is for containers that are completely closed on all four sides. The new generation of this system uses telescopic and rail-based arrangements for packaging. The use of this system can save up to a third of the loading time,” Kazzemi Moqaddam said.